Saturday, December 29, 2012

Picture In Use

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bad Word Used In Malaysia & Singapore

Bad Word Used In Malaysia & Singapore, here's the meaning:

cibai (vulva - woman sex organ)
cao cibai (smelly vulva)
puki (vulva)
lanci (don't show off) or lanciao (penis - male sex organ)
kanineh (fuck you)
sohai (stupid)
lema (your mother)
mai gao gao (don't art pro)
everyone mong cha cha (everyone blur blur)
good luck
have fun
mahai (your mother vulva)
dulan (angry)
pek cek
pek cek (stupid)
khong kam
Almost the same like sohai

Thursday, October 18, 2012

SAMSUNG GALAXY Y Configurations Tricks

Bought a new phone not long ago, although I take really good care to my old phones, but they still have life span, and it just about time. So I buy a affordable price + basics function first touch screen phone in my life, SAMSUNG GALAXY Y (Model GT-S5360). I not so savvy in these smart phones, and after I bought it, many things and function crack my head, with some help of Internet and forums, I've solve some of the problems. So, here are some tips I've summarise for you out there:


You should get the configuration installation sms from the respective telecommunication company, (digi get from digi website for example maxis, celcom and so on). I'm using digi so I show steps for digi user. You go to digi home page, at the upper right corner, type mms, don't enter or click anything, float the arrow near it and a quick link pop out of "Mobile Internet Setup" will come out, click it. in the pop out, choose via web, then enter a verification code, next page, type in your phone number, choose phone brand and model, sent. back to your phone, wait for sms, save and install it. whala, first step done.

Then, make sure your Packet Data is turned ON. Setting > Mobile Networks > Packet Data. Turn it off after u finished downloading ur MMS, else it will keep consuming ur credit.

Then Open “Messages”, next open “Settings”, you will need to scroll down to “MMS Settings” and disable the "auto Receive” by selecting disable next to this feature. The last step is to open an MMS message and click "Download”. You should now be able to receive your pictures on your samsung galazy manually.

How to change SAMSUNG GALAXY Y ringtones

Now, most of your songs and media will put in the SD Card, you need to set your folders EXACTLY like below:

Root Page, (the first page you enter your SD Card) Make a Folder with "Media" file name. Get inside "Media" folder, make a "Audio" Folder. Get in "Audio" folder and make "Ringtones" "Alarms" "Notifications" "Music" 4 folders.

SD card > Media > Audio > Ringtones (put your ringtone songs in here)
SD card > Media > Audio > Alarms (put your alarm songs in here)
SD card > Media > Audio > Notifications (put your sms and notifications songs in here)
SD card > Media > Audio > Music (others songs all put here, if not your option page will be long and messy)

If you set up your folder like above, once you reboot your phone, the OS will automatically set all the mp3 in Ringtones as an option when you go to ringtone menu. All the mp3 in Alarm folder will be selectable when you want to choose a Alarm tone and all the mp3 in the notification folder will be able to be used in sms and any app when you try to set a notification tone.

Sadly, SAMSUNG GALAXY Y default music player can only play MP3, so your WMA and others format songs can't play, lame : (

Here are some extra tips I quote from forum, hope can help you guys:

If you guys are annoyed that all your mp3 even the one from GPS navigation software comes up in your music plays, or all the pictures come up in the album app, then there is a simple way to remove it.

There’s a common Android problem of unwanted media files appearing in the song list of music players. This annoyingly causes your favorite songs to get mixed in with audio files associated with other apps, such as voice files for a GPS navigation app.
There’s a simple solution for this issue. We’ve already covered how you can hide certain files by changing a folder name to start with a dot, but you run the risk of causing problems with the app that’s linked to those files. Instead, there’s a similar solution: create a “.nomedia” file.
Here’s an easy trick that should only take a couple of minutes to keep unwanted audio files from popping up.
1.       On your computer, open Notepad or any other text editor
2.       Save the blank file as “.nomedia”
Make sure that the Save as type is set as “All Files” instead of “Text documents”
3.       Copy that file to the folder on your SD card containing audio files you don’t want to show up.
(Example: If you want to block CoPilot sound files from coming up, place the .nomedia file in the sdcard/copilot folder)
4.       Reboot your phone and the files should no longer be viewable
This same trick works for folders containing images or videos that you don’t want to appear in the Gallery app. The files will still be accessible from your original app or an explorer like Astro or Linda, but you’ll finally be able to stop hearing “Turn left” announcements after a great song.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Resident Evil 1

Resident Evil 1 Jill Good Ending Requirement:
Wait for Barry after he drops the first rope. (This will grant you the numeric keypad door pass code)
Go first in the caves.
Save Chris.

Resident Evil 1 Chris Good Ending Requirement: 
When Rebecca asks to come with you, say yes.
Rescue Jill.

Password For The Lab Computer Lock:

In the Dormatory, in the room with the beehive, there is a door with a Electronic key-pad used to unlock it.
Here are the codes:
Jill Valentine: 3,4,5
Chris Redfield: 2,1,5
You can use the following passwords for unlocking the doors on the Lab computer:
Login: John
Password: Ada
B2 Door Verification Password: Mole

One Shot One Kill Zombie With Shotgun:
To kill Zombies in one shot, let them walk right in front of you. Then aim high with the Shotgun and fire. Poof! Dead zombies. 

Lower The Game Play Difficulties Level:
1) Immediately when you get to the dining room at the beginning of the game, exit back to the main hall, and Wesker will say "Investigate if you hear any gunfire", and you'll go back to the dining room.
2) Once in the dining room, try to exit again, and this time Barry will say "Lost your courage already? It's not like you!", and you won't be able to exit again.
3) Now go talk to Barry as you normally would.
4) After talking to Barry, head to the grandfather clock and before you can get near it, a zombie will come out of a door and chase after you, Barry will say a pretty ridiculous line, and then reduce its head to a gory pool of blood and brain chunks.
5) After this hilarious sequence, you'll have to go report it to Wesker back in the main hall, but unfortunately, he's gone.
6) Go around the back of the stairs looking for Wesker and when you come out the other side, Barry will talk to you a bit and give you the lockpick.
7) After Barry leaves, go back to the dining room, and in through the door the zombie came out of, turn left, then right and you found your old buddy's (Kenneth's) mutilated body, only this time more mutilated, without his legs (or ammo clips), which will confirm that the code worked.

Tips Fighting Plant 42:
When fighting plant 42 you have to keep moving. If you do not some sort of acid will fall on your head and hurt you. The best strategy to beat it is shoot two or three times then run in a circle and repeat until plant 42 dies. You can use handgun here, waste all the handgun bullets here cause after this you will go back to mansion, hunters will appear, handgun become useless (try it, it will cut your head off before you finish up your clip....), you will using shotgun at least from now on, that's why you shouldn't use any of your shotgun and bazooka early in the game, cause handgun will be more then enough to beat zombies and dogs. Hunters will take 3-4 shots of shotgun to pin it down..... 

Unlimited Rocket Launcher!
To get the rocket launcher, you need to beat the game in under three hours. It will ask you if you want to play again. Answer yes and you'll receive the rocket launcher with unlimited ammo!

Fighting Snake First Time:
The first time you fight the snake you don't actually have to kill it. Wait until it's about to strike and run, then grab the moon crest and run away. If you're too late the snake will trap and probably kill you.

Getting The Star Crest: 
Go to the hall with the numerous paintings and crows.Put the switches behind the paintings in the following order:new born baby; infant; lively boy; young man; middle-aged man;bold looking old man and last picture, funeral, the last picture in the end of hall way.

Getting the Eagle And Wolf Crests And Enter The Lab:
Get the Doom Book 1 and the Doom Book 2. Go to the items screen, select the Doom Books, then press "Check". Turn the doom book so the pages face you then press X.The crests will appear. Put them at the water fountain with the eagle and wolf symbols to gain access to the labs.

Fight The STARS Bravo Team Member Forest:

When playing as Chris, just go to the balcony on thesecond floor of the mansion. Approach the corpse (Forest). Thereshould be a mansion key. Try to pick it up. Forest will attackyou. 

When playing as Jill, go to the room with the first zombie fromthe dining room. Then, go back to the main mansion room. Barrywill tell you to search the hall. Do that, then go directly tothe balcony. If done correctly, Barry should not be there. Goto Forest and try to take the key. There should also be a grenadelauncher located there. You can use it to kill Forest faster.However, if you try to pick up the mansion key Forest will attackyou. Note: :Forest is harder to kill than regular zombies.

Quick Look Of Wesker:
Use the following trick to quickly look for Wesker in the mansion hall. Start the game as Jill. When you reach the point where Wesker disappears, just go behind the big staircase and go back to Barry.

Shoot At Camera:

You can shoot the camera in the hallway where the dogs first jump through the window. You have to be far away from the camera when the first dog jumps through. Kill the dog and try to point the gun at the middle of the screen. Bullet holes should appear for a split second.

Alternate Ken's Corpse:
When you play the game as Jill, she and Barry will go into the dining room. After Barry walks forward, turn around and go out the door. Wesker will tell you to investigate if you hear gun fire. When you are back in the dining room, try to go out the door again. Barry will proclaim that it is not like you to lose courage. After Barry is done talking about the blood,walk towards the Grandfather Clock and a zombie will appear through the door. Barry will kill the zombie, and he will walk up to it and say "What the hell!". Then, after the scene in the first room in the mansion after Barry gives you the lock pick,go back to the dining room and go through the door. Go to where Ken's corpse is located and his body should be different. 
Note:When you view Ken's second corpse you cannot get the ammunition from him.


Sunday, August 12, 2012


2012年 02月05日

這部名為《雞排做法》的示範影片,上個月22日上傳到YouTube,只見鄭佳甄一身緊身低胸背心,32D傲人上圍,事業線明顯可見,她拿出生雞排裹粉、 幫雞排按摩,再下鍋油炸,炸好的雞排看來香脆可口,但台、日、港網友們的目光似乎都不在雞排上,網友直言:「醉翁之意不在酒!」更有網友坦承:「我好變 態,只看到胸部」、「雞排+真奶」,還搞笑問:「買一塊有送兩粒嗎?」

對於一夕成名,鄭佳甄說她高中起就自食其力,現獨力負擔大學學費,雖有時拍攝的照片很養眼,底線是半裸上身而不露點,但她堅持不拍煽情猥褻照片,有人留言 要包養或援交,全被她歸類為黑名單。鄭佳甄說,常有人說她長得像Hebe、林依晨,她並未因此欣喜,「因為我從沒打算進入演藝圈,我只想做自己!」


暱稱: ili
性別: 女
生日: 8月/31日 處女座
血型: B
職業: 學生 士林高商