Monday, February 14, 2011

We have been deceied for so long / 原来我们被骗了几十年都不知道

We can see Great Wall Of China from moon  -----  It's just like we see a hair from 50 meters away...
月球上能看到长城  -----  事实上就如同人从50米外的距离看一根头发丝。。。
A story about a scientist: Newton & Apple  -----  The story we've been taught in science class, Newton found out the gravity force with the apple fall on his head, Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) spread it out and guess what, he get the news from Newton's niece. The "Apple" did not mentioned in Newton's journal.
科学家小时候的故事: 牛顿和苹果的故事  -----  关于牛顿和他的苹果是伏尔泰(Voltaire,原名:François-Marie Arouet)编的,据说他是听牛顿的侄女说的,当然牛顿的所有手稿里没有提到那只苹果。

Washington & His Dad's Cherri tree  -----  This story is a Children's literature created by a publisher located at US...
华盛顿和樱桃树的故事  -----  华盛顿和他老爸的樱桃树是某美国出版商制造出来的儿童文学。。。

James Watt invented steam engine  -----  James did not invent but modify and improve the steam engine, steam engine exists before James is born...
瓦特看见水壶烧开产生灵感发明蒸汽机  -----  蒸汽机在瓦特出生前已经有了,他只不过是把它改良而已。。。

Spinach is rich of iron  -----  The United States Department of Agriculture states that a 180 g serving of boiled spinach contains 6.43 mg of iron, whereas one 170 g ground hamburger patty contains at most 4.42 mg, a little bit much more than other vegetables, the idea of Popeye comes from here.
菠菜含铁元素  -----  菠菜铁元素确实比其他蔬菜高那么一点点,关键是当初科学家点错小数点,所以才有了大力水手的动画片。

Rabbit eat carrot  -----  Those who rear rabbit before knows that rabbit rarely eat carrot.
兔子应该吃胡萝卜  -----  养过兔子的人都知道,很少有兔子吃。

Shark fins and Swallow's nest  -----  People please wake up, do you really think it's worth to kill the fish and animals, destroying the cycle of ecosystem just to get the fin of a fish and bird's saliva? Scientist have proof that the contain of these items are even worst than Auricularia auricula-judae, also known as the Jew's Ear.
鱼翅燕窝营养丰富  -----  居然真的有人会相信鲨鱼鳍(qi2)和鸟口水有什么营养价值。。。燕窝除了鸟口水之外,还有半消化状态的鱼虾,实际营养不如木耳。

Pregnant lady is not suppose to rear cat, cat got Toxoplasma gondii  -----  You only need to bring your cat to veterinarian and do a check up, the chances cat get infected by Toxoplasma gondii is quite low.
怀孕不能养猫,有弓形虫  -----  只要去宠物医院做排虫测试就成,医生为图省事说的,不只是猫,猪牛羊等动物都能感染弓形虫。而且比例上来讲比猫不知道高多少。。。而且猫一生也只感染一次弓形虫。绝大多数感染过弓形虫的人一辈子都没养过猫。

Lithium Battery need to charge for 12 hours for the first 3 times  -----  Na, Lithium Battery can skip the 12 hours.

锂电池前3次充电要满12小时  -----  以前的电池是需要充分充电,用来激活,现在都是锂电池了,是不需要这样做的。

"Experts" in movies always use their fingers dip into "powder" and found out it's drug after they taste it.  -----  If you really do this in real life, you're dead meat. The more pure the drugs, the faster you die.
电视电影里常见的,某些“专家”拿根手指蘸(zhan4)些白色粉末尝尝就知道是白粉  -----  如果真的这样做。。。那是找死,纯度越高死得越快。

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