Unlocking the COs:
When you start the game, you can only use Andy, Max, Sami, and Olaf in versus mode and war room. To unlock the other COs, you need to play through campaign or advance campaign mode and choose certain paths or meet certain requirements. In order to unlock every CO, you must play through campaign at least twice.
Olaf – Choose Andy at level 4, Max Strikes!
Grit – Choose Max at level 4, Max Strikes!
Kanbei – In the first Kanbei level, defeat him by at least 8 days, second level 10 days, and third level 12 days.
Sonja – When you defeat Kanbei with the right time requirements, you will get Sonja once you complete the three missions against her.
Drake – Choose Andy for all four Green Earth Missions (against Drake & Eagle)
Eagle – Choose Sami for all four Green Earth Missions (against Drake & Eagle)
Sturm – Unlock every other COs besides Nell.
Nell – Unlock Sturm.
The Final Battle:
Your team in The Final Battle is determined by meeting certain requirements while playing through campaign mode. Here is the list of available COs on either side of Andy, and what you need to do to get them on your team. Some COs override other COs, and I’ve made note of it here.
Left Side:
Max – Choose Andy in level 4, Max Strikes!
Olaf – Destroy all of Olaf’s units in level 6A Olaf’s Navy (Overrides Max)
Grit – Choose Max in level 4, Max Strikes!
Right Side:
Kanbei – In the first Kanbei level, defeat him by at least 8 days, second level 10 days, and third level 12 days. (Overrides Drake and Sami)
Sami – Don’t choose either all Andy or all Sami for all four Green Earth Missions
Drake – Choose Andy for all four Green Earth Missions
Eagle – Choose Sami for all four Green Earth Missions (Overrides Kanbei)
Scoring System:
Each level has predefined requirements for a perfect score based on three factors: speed, technique, and power. Depending on how well you did when you complete the level, you will get a score that equals the three factors combined. The highest possible score is 999, but you will not see the actual number in campaign mode, unlike war room. If all three bars are full, then you’ve got a perfect score.
Speed Score:
Your speed score depends on how many days you’ve taken to complete a level, versus how many you should have taken for a perfect score. The grade is scaled, so if you take 11 days to complete a 10 day map, you will not get a perfect score, but you will still get an S-rank.
Power Score:
Your power score depends on how many of the enemies units you’ve killed in a single turn versus how many units the enemy has had during the course of the level. Basically, take one turn (usually the last turn) to destroy as many units as possible in order to get a full power stat. The requirements are usually low enough that there are only a few levels where you need to go out of your way to get a perfect power score.
Technique Score:
Your technique score depends on how many units you’ve lost versus how many units you’ve had during the course of the level. Basically, let as few units die as possible, even if it means letting a larger number of units get injured. As long your unit isn’t destroyed, it won’t count against your technique score. The technique score ratio for campaign mode is approximately 20% units lost. For example, if you’ve had 10 units total during the course of the level, you can only lose 2 of those 10 units, if you have 15 units, then you can only lose 3, and if you have 20 units, then you can only lose 4. The number jumps to 24 for 5 units lost, then 29 for 6, and so on. In war room, the technique ratio is slightly less than 10%, so if you have 10 units, you can only lose one.
Level 1 - It's War!, Difficulty: **, Days: 8-10, Technique Limit: 2
Level 2 – Gunfighter!, Difficulty: **, Days: 9-10, Technique Limit: 4
Level 3 – Air Ace!, Difficulty: **, Days: 6, Technique Limit: 3
Level 4A – Max Strikes!, Difficulty: **, Days: 5, Technique Limit: 2
Level 5A – Max’s Folly?, Difficulty: **, Days: 6, Technique Limit: 2
Level 6A – Olaf’s Navy!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6-7, Technique Limit: 3
Level 7A – Olaf’s Sea Strike!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 7-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 4M – Max Strikes!, Difficulty: **, Days: 3-4, Technique Limit: 3
Level 5M – Sniper!, Difficulty: **, Days: 5, Technique Limit: 3
Level 6M – Blizzard Battle!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6, Technique Limit: 2-4
Level 7M – History Lesson!, Difficulty: **, Days: 5, Technique Limit: 3
Level 8 – Sami’s Debut!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 7-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 9 – Kanbei Arrives!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 4-6, Technique Limit: 2
Level 10 – Mighty Kanbei!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 7, Technique Limit: 2
Level 11 – Kanbei’s Error?, Difficulty: **, Days: 8-10, Technique Limit: 2-3
Level 12 – Divide and Capture!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6-13, Technique Limit: 2
Level 13 – Sami Marches On!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5-7, Technique Limit: 3-4
Level 14 – Sonja's Goal!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 15A – Captain Drake!, Difficulty: **, Days: 8, Technique Limit: 2-3
Level 15M – Captain Drake!, Difficulty: *, Days: 4, Technique Limit: 2
Level 15S – Captain Drake!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 7, Technique Limit: 2-3
Level 16A – Naval Clash!, Difficulty: **, Days: 8-10, Technique Limit: 2
Level 16M – Naval Clash!, Difficulty: **, Days: 6, Technique Limit: 3
Level 16S – Naval Clash!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 17A – Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: **, Days: 6-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 17M – Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: **, Days: 4, Technique Limit: 2
Level 17S – Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 18A – Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: **, Days: 4-5, Technique Limit: 3
Level 18M – Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 7, Technique Limit: 2
Level 18S – Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5-8, Technique Limit: 3
Level 19 – Andy Times Two!, Difficulty: **, Days: 5, Technique Limit: 2
Level 20 – Enigma!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 9-16, Technique Limit: 2-4
Level 21 – The Final Battle!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 6-15, Technique Limit: 2-5
Level 22 – Rivals!, Difficulty: **, Days: 11-19, Technique Limit: 1-3
Level 1 - It’s War!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 6
Level 2 – Gunfighter!, Difficulty: ***** 1/2, Days: 10
Level 3 - Air Ace!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 6
Level A4 – Max Strikes!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 6
Level A5 – Max's Folly?, Difficulty: **, Days: 6
Level A6 - Olaf's Navy!, Difficulty: ******, Days: 6
Level A7 – Olaf’s Sea Strike!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 7-9
Level M4 – Max Strikes!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 4
Level M5 – Sniper!, Difficulty: **, Days: 5
Level M6 – Blizzard Battle!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 8
Level M7 – History Lesson!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 5
Level 8 - Sami's Debut!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 7-12+
Level 9 - Kanbei Arrives!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 5
Level 10 - Mighty Kanbei!, Difficulty: **, Days: 6
Level 11 - Kanbei's Error?, Difficulty: *****, Days: 9
Level 12 - Divide and Conquer!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 6
Level 13 - Sami Marches On!, Difficulty: ***** 1/2, Days: 6
Level 14 - Sonja's Goal, Difficulty: ***** 1/2, Days: 7
Level A15 - Captain Drake!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 9
Level M15 - Captain Drake!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 4
Level S15 - Captain Drake!, Difficulty: ******, Days: 9
Level A16 – Naval Clash!, Difficulty: *, Days: 10
Level M16 - Naval Clash!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 6
Level S16 – Naval Clash!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 6-10
Level A17 – Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 5-8
Level M17 - Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 4-6
Level S17 – Wings of Victory!, Difficulty: *****, Days: 5
Level A18 – Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5
Level M18 - Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 7
Level S18 – Battle Mystery!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5-8
Level 19 - Andy Times Two!, Difficulty: ***, Days: 5
Level 20 – Enigma!, Difficulty: ****, Days: 12-23
Level 21 – The Final Battle!, Difficulty: ***** 1/2, Days: 9-10
Level 22 – Rivals!, Difficulty: ******, Days: 15+
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising Normal Campaign Rank-S Guide ( Green Earth + Black Hole )
Drake seems to have a face problem here...even after hearing Allied victories over Black Hole in western countries, Green Earth is still half occupied by Black Hole forces under their best commander, Hawke. Jess comes in and asks if they're counterattacking. Eagle and Drake are not land masters, so Jess's return from training is much needed for GE. Eagle doesn't care for "Red"'s help and would rather do it himself, but Drake notices that with all three fronts covered as them three, they can take back GE. Choose the northwest mission with Eagle versus Hawke first.
Mission 25: Sea Fortress
Eagle vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Eagle: Where did that sea fortress come from? Crush it!"

This is a "destroy the target" map, both team have their pre-deployed units. In this case you will need to destroy all 8 mini cannons surrounding the sea fotress to win. What make things complicated is all enemy units except Battle Copters, are Anti Air. You will need to plan your moves carefully to low down casualties, or else Technique points deduction will cost you Rank S for this mission.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, move all your Bomber full east, in one vertical line. All Battle Copters follow behind Bombers, in one vertical line too. All Fighter move in front Bombers, in one vertical line. you will get a half piramid pointing to east at the end of the day.
Day 2, first wave coming, 2 Fighter, 4 Battle Copter will park in front of you. Use your left and right side wing Fighter attack enemy 2 fighter from back, another 2 take them out by side. Move your north and south side wing Battle Copter 5 east and attack 2 enemy Battle Copters from side. Move your another north side wing Battle Copter 1 south 5 east, attack full health Battle Copter at east, move south wing Battle Copter 1 north 5 east, attack the full health Battle Copter at east too. DO NOT kill those 4 Battle Copters or else Hawke will fill up his CO power meter, you will get a taste of his Black Storm (all units deduct 2HP, all enemy units heal 2HP, Ouch~). Move full east for other remain Battle Copters. Measure abit enemy nearest Fighter pressing 'B' on them. All Bomber move full east.
Day 3, Now you take take out the combined weaken Battle Copters with 2 of your Battle Copters, other 6 move full east, ignore getting into mini cannons firing range. Kill another 2 incoming Fighter with 4 of yours, ignore the mini cannons too. All Bombers move full east and take out enemy Cruisers and A-Air, do not attack the mini cannons yet. After all units take their moves, your CO power meter should be full right now, activate Eagle's Lighting Strike. All Bomber move full east and take out and weaken all 4 Missiles as piority, leave the A-Air and mini cannons. All other units move full east too, keep out of A-Air firing range. Again, enemy Fighter and Cruiser must be destroyed. Combine critical units.
Day 4, like it or not, you need to suffer the damage of Black Storm by Hawke, i've try the best to lower down the casualties in this guide. Now take out the ramaining Missiles then all units move east to the end of map, behind the mini cannons, we will destroy the mini cannons starting from back.
Day 5-7, mini cannons will cause lots of damage, but won't kill, keep moving till the end of the map, combine critical units. Bomber start destroy 2 the most east mini cannons. Sent 2 Bomber back to the front to take out 2 most west mini cannons, careful avoiding the second layer mini cannons firing range, there will be one or two safe zone to destroy them. Now, the remain 4 mini cannons beside the sea fotress will block the A-Air so ignore the A-Air, you can try to take them off if you want, just don't get yourself killed. You will have one safe zone to attack these mini cannons, the side beaches beside them. Move your Bomber and Battle Copter at position and weaken them until you can finish 4 of them off in one day.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 8 Battle Copter, 4 Fighter, 6 Bomber
BH: 6 Battle Copter, 4 Fighter, 2 Cruiser, 4 Missile, 4 A-Air
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 7-8 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 26: Sinking Feeling
Jess vs. Lash
Difficulty: ******
"Jess: The enemy's battleships have come in for repairs. Can they be sunk?"

This is a "destroy the target" plus timed mission, also this mission contain the secret lab map for Green Earth team, located in south city on the western island. Jess give passive boost up for vehicel units, you will need to sink all 9 battleships park in a seal up compound at north east, capture secret lab map city and finish all in 17 days to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, east infantry move one east two north start capture the neutral port, west infantry load into APC, both 2 Mech move full east. Both Artillery move full east. North Medium Tank move full east, south Medium Tank move two north three east into the road. Recon move one north three east. West A-Air move two north four east into a captured city, east A-Air move four east into wood. Rocket move one north four east. North Tank move one north four east, south Tank move four east. APC move two east and supply vehicle around it.
Day 2, finish port capture. All units charge north east and engage first batch enemies, 1 infantry, 1 Mech, 1 A-Air, 1 Artillery, 4 tank and 1 Medium Tank by default. North Mech move two east, south Mech move two north. West Medium Tank move full east, east Medium Tank three east two north. South tank move two north four east, north tank move full east and weaken enemy infantry. East Artillery move one north four east, west Artillery move two north three east. Recon move two north one east into the road. Rocket move one north two east into the captured city. East A-Air move one north four east. Remain units hold position.
Day 3, Infantry at fresh captured port move two south one east, deploy a Lander, load north A-Air and west Mech into it. Rocket weaken the enemy in range, preferable heavy units like Medium Tank. West Artillery shoot west enemy tank, east Artillery shoot east tank. Use your tanks to kill the critical infantry and tank. Use your south Medium Tank on the road to take out weaken Medium Tank, north Medium Tank attack enemy Mech or any other unit in range. Recon move five east two south into the south east cities island. Mech move full north east into the captured city. Preserve the A-Air, you will need it later, hold position for A-Air. APC move east and supply any unit, your call.
Day 4, move your Lander full north west. Kill the remain units around and move north east, follow the right path to capture the neutral base, also avoid the direct fire of mini cannons. Heal or combine your critical units like tank, can move into city to heal.
Day 5, move your lander towards the beach of the western island. All units keep moving north east right path. APC move near the most east neutral base near the mini cannon, drop the infantry, make sure infantry is in position so that he can start capture by next day. Deploy a battleship.
Day 6, move your lander and unload the A-Air and Mech. Battleship move north towards enemy battleships. All units keep moving north at the right path. North infantry start capture base. Bring Rocket and Artillery to the left path to engage the mini cannons. APC move back to fetch Mech.
Day 7, Mech at the western island start capture the south city first. Battleship move full north. Get Rocket and Artillery in position. Infantry finish capture the base, load Mech into APC. All unit keep moving towards the repairing battleships. Deploy another battleship.
Day 8, Finish capture city at the western island, secret lab map get, same goes to other infantry, those who finish move north. Fresh deploy battleship move full north, another battleship start attack those repairing ships. Take the first attack towards Bomber using your A-Air. Destroy the south mini cannon with your Artillery and Rocket. All units move towards repairing ships and deploy a A-Air at new captured base. Move APC full north and drop Mech near enemy cities.
Day 9, Mech at the western island capture port, east Mech capture enemy city, infantry keep capture neutral city or move north to capture enemy cities. Use your A-Air to finish off any air units. Get you Medium Tanks and Artillery in position to destroy the second mini cannon. Rocket move near the repairing ships. Both battleship move north to get a good position aimming those ships. Deploy a Rocket at the new captured middle east base.
Day 10-14, Mech and infantry keep capture buildings, A-Air secure any incoming air units, put at least 2 around, enemy will keep bugging you with Bomber and Battle Copters, deploy some to cover up if A-Air HP running low. Destroy the mini cannon with your Artillery and Medium Tanks. Get other units like Artillery and Rocket in position to start sinking ships. Combine any available units to raise some fund deploy more Rockets. Keep sinking with your Artillery, Rocket and battleship. Use Jess's Co power to raise vehicle units attack.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 infantry, 2 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 2 Artillery, 1 Rocket, 2 A-Air, 2 Tank, 2 Medium Tank (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 4 infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Artillery, 1 Rocket, 1 A-Air, 4 Tank, 2 Medium Tank, 2 mini cannon, 9 repairing Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 14-15 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 27: Drake's Dilemma
Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Drake: Drake is swept up in Hawke's assault. Will he survive?"

You will need to destroy enemy's both Black Cannon to win. With Fog Of War, you will find it's a bit difficult to aim enemy from sea, enemy's indirect-combat units are all around the lake, you will need to do some good killing combo here to get a Rank S. Kanbei will assist you.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Drake, deploy a infantry at HQ base. Middle lake, Lander move into port, APC load into it. Battle Ship in the middle amongs Cruisers move one west four south, South Cruiser in the reef move four north two east into the reef. South Sub dive two west four south, east Sub move two north one east into the reef, north Sub move three west one south into the reef, west Sub move two west into the reef, Sub above port dive full south. South Battle Ship move four south one west into the reef, east Battle Ship move two west four south beside the beach, last Battle Ship move one west three south into the reef. Other units hold position.
Kanbei, deploy 2 infantry.
Day 2,
Drake, infantry capture the base, deploy a tank. Sub dive near the beach move east near the reef. South Battle Ship move one south two east into the reef, other three Battle Ship move into the reefs at the south west. Sub in the reef 4 west 2 north from port move 2 west 3 south, park between Battle Ship in the reef and wood on the left, you will reveal a Rocket. Lander move 2 west 1 south into nearest reef.
Kanbei, west infantry move two north capture city, east infantry move full north. Deploy another 2 infantry.
Day 3,
Drake, infantry finish capture base, move tank full east. Use the north Battle Ship to weaken the Rocket in the wood, both Battle Ship in the middle reef kill the infantry, move the dived Sub above the wood at the south west 3 east 1 south, reveal a Rocket at the other side, south Battle Ship weaken the revealed Rocket.
Kanbei, first batch infantry finish capture city and launch the missile silo at the enemy near the Battle Ships (2 Artillery 1 Rocket 1 infantry). Second batch infantry both move north, west infantry move full north, east move two north start capture city. Deploy a tank at the east base.
Day 4,
Drake, infantry move full east, use your tank to weaken enemy Recon. All Battle Ship move south from reef to reef, one follow another.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, silo and north infantry move north west, south west infantry move two north capture city. Tank move north, leave the critical Recon.
Day 5,
Drake, if Hawke launch missile silo at your Cruiser, good, nop? better try again. Combine them to get more funds (clear out the reef for new Battle Ship), you will need Battle Ship more than any other water troops, since there are none air unit in this map. Deploy a Battle Ship. Infantry move full north east and tank weaken any enemy in range.
Kanbei, move your tank into wood near enemy base, infantry keep capture.
Day 6,
Drake, new Battle Ship move 3 north 2 east, tank weaken nearby enemy, infantry move full north.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 7,
Drake, infantry move north, careful do not leap into Enemy Rocket firing range. Tank weaken enemy in range. North Battle Ship weaken the Rocket.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, those who finish move north east through woods towards the neutral port, combine any critical health units. Tank and Medium Tank move north into enemy base to weaken enemy units, leave one or two critical health enemy fo Drake's turn.
Day 8,
Drake, here Hawke will randomly cast his CO power Black Wave, IF he cast, combine the Cruiser, deploy a Battle Ship, also DO NOT START THE KILLING COMBO, do it on the next day. I continue the guide assume Hawke did not cast his CO power. Now you are ready to make 6 kill combo in one day with 5 Battle Ship 1 tank. Start from north Battle Ship, destroy the Rocket, Battle Ship at south west destroy the weaken Rocket and Artillery at the begining, while tank kill any critical health unit in range.
kanbei, from now on, infantry try to capture neutral port and continue move north to capture enemy buildings, keep deploy Medium Tank and charge enemy base at the middle east of the map.
Day 9,
Drake, If Hawke cast the CO power or your tank didn't have any one shot kill target in range, you will do the killing combo today, kill 6 or more enemy in one day.
Kanbei, do as Day 8.
Day 10,
Drake, after the combo, south Battle Ship move one west five south beside wood, you will reveal a Rocket. All Battle Ship follow, move south from reef to reef, kill any available unit along the way. Move units into reef to avoid being hit. Move south Sub back to port or merge with another to avoid run out of fuel.
Kanbei, do as Day 8.
Day 11-16,
Destroy as many enemy units as possible, use Battle Ship to destroy both Black Cannons while Kanbei just need to hold the line, enemy will sent some Neo Tanks.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 1 APC, 1 Lander, 4 Cruiser, 5 Sub, 4 Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 6 Recon, 2 A-Air, 1 Missile, 7 Artillery, 9 Rocket, 2 Tank, 4 Medium Tank, 2 Black Cannon (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 15-16 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 28: Danger x9
Jess, Eagle, or Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: Capture the enemy lab and seize the plans for their new weapon!"

You must take enemy lab in a 10-day limit, which means you must either capture enemy's lab or clear all enemy troops in Day 9 to win. I will strongly suggest CO Eagle for this mission, his CO Super Power Lighting Strike will allow you to take another extra turn for all vehicle and plane units, something like a extra day for you. Plan your move carefully because you will have a tight schedule for only 9 Days count down.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, move all your Medium Tank full north, Both Recon full north east hide in the woods next day, A-Air one west full north into a captured city. Cruiser move into reef, Battle Ship move one east two north. In the middle compound which sealed by pipeline with two seems, deploy a infantry, you will need it to capture the neutral airport. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 2, infantry move one south one east capture the neutral airport. Battle Ship weaken the tank, Medium Tank move north into the base. Both Recon move into the woods along the pipeline, hide till the end. Cruiser move two east into another reef. South A-Air move one east full north hide into the wood, fresh A-Air move east into wood with Recon. Deploy a APC at the base beside the infantry within the sealed compound.
Day 3, 3-4 Battle Copter, 1 Mech, 1 tank, 1 Recon incoming. Engage them and make Battle Copter piority target, utilise your A-Air and Cruiser, kill as many as possible. Kill the Mech with Battle Ship. Infantry finish capture airport and deploy a APC in the same sealed compound. Hide your critical health unit into wood.
Day 4, Hawke will collect enough power to cast Black Wave, you will need to heal back your infantry and APC to full health at the captured city locate at the most south of the compound, APC from base move two east two south, If he's not, be prepare for Black Storm. Load finish captured infantry into APC. Deploy a Bomber at the new captured airport. Combine the Recon (if Hawke cast Black Wave), retreat all units back to the HQ, heal or hide. Battle Ship the same hide or heal at port.
Day 5, HQ troops try to hold the line, we're not going to clear all the troops here, just make sure kill the Mech and destroy as many troops as you can, hide the critical health units into woods and reef. Bomber move next to the north east pipeline seem, deploy another Bomber at the same airport, full health infantry load into APC.
Day 6, Try to keep all units from being kill. Bomber next to pipeline seem destroy the seem, fresh deploy Bomber at airport move towards north pipeline seem, deploy another Bomber at the same airport. Your CO Super Power meter should full right now, if not kill some more and full it up for next turn. i recommend to use it, your 3 Bomber and APC will have a extra turn here. Destroy the north pipeline and another two Bomber head towards enemy's lab, clear all enemy along the way, APC follow at behind, beware of Rocket.
Day 7, APC continue to enemy's lab with Bomber's escort. You must be able to drop your infantry near enough the lab by today to enable you capture enemy's lab the next two days, else, restart the mission. Also try not to kill any more enemy troops to stop filling Hawke's CO meter, you need to avoid his CO Power from injurd your infantry, you need a full health infantry to finish capture in two days time.
Day 8, infantry capture the lab, secure the parameter, let no one interupt the capture. No killing.
Day 9, kill any available units around, then capture the lab to win
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 Recon, 1 A-Air, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 1 A-Air, 1 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 2 Tank, 2 Medium Tank, 4 Battle Copter
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Must finish within 9 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine or hide the units in woods or reefs when injurd.
Mission 29: Navy vs. Air
Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: *****
"Drake: It's Drake's peerless navy vs. Hawke air force. Who will win?"

Drake's HQ on the west, Hawke HQ on the east, a classic one-on-one map. You will need to clear all enemy forces or capture enemy HQ to win. Since you're using Drake, better stick with sea forces, pre-deploy Cruisers will helps a lot againts Hawke's air units.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, all 3 Cruiser move full north east towards open space in the middle of the map, use them to secure the parameter and Lander. West infantry and A-Air load into Lander, east infantry move three north towards the neutral port. Lander move north east together with Cruiser. Deploy two infantry.
Day 2, take a look at Hawke HQ, there are 6 Battle Copter on their way, be prepare. North infantry keep move 3 north towards neutral port, both fresh deploy infantry move two north capture neutral base. Lander and Cruisers move full north east.
Day 3, north infantry move 3 east start capture port, other two finish capture base. Lander and Cruisers hold position.
Day 4, there are two team of Battle Copter, one team come straight from east above water, another team from south. Attack the team above water which nearer while avoid getting into south Battle Copter team firing range using Cruiser, Lander move into the port of center island with 3 buildings, land the infantry first.
Day 5, infantry finish capture move near the fresh capture port, deploy a Lander at the fresh captured port. Kill the south team Battle Copters. Middle island infantry move three north, now land the A-Air.
Day 6, move two west infantry into fresh deploy Lander then move fresh Lander four south three east towards the neutral port of crescent island, deploy a Battle Ship at the same port. East infantry move one north start capture the neutral airport. Cruisers secure at the east side of the middle island, prevent any air units comes from east.
Day 7, west Lander move one east one south into the neutral port of crescent island, drop both infantry. Cruiser kill any nearby air units. Middle island infantry continue capture airport, middle island Lander move full west. Battle Ship move full east.
Day 8, middle infantry finish capture airport. Both Lander move north west to combine, deploy another Battle Ship at the north port. Battle Ship move towards enemy HQ. Cruiser secure the parameter.
Day 9, both Battle Ship move east to take aim near enemy HQ. All infantry keep capture city, Lander move into port and load the only west infantry into it. Use Cruiser to defend the attack of Battle Copter. All infantry keep capture building. Deploy a Cruiser at the north port.
Day 10, combine the critical health Cruiser, move both Battle Ship and fresh Cruiser east near enemy HQ, fire at will. All infantry keep capture building, port as piority. Cruiser do not let any air unit get pass to west. Lander move to the middle island to fetch A-Air and swap a full health infantry.
Day 11, Lander with A-Air and full health infantry at the middle island move east towards enemy HQ, beware of Battle Copter. All infantry continue capture building. Deploy a Battle Ship at the north port. Move all Cruiser east near enemy airport to secure thier Air units. Use CO Super Power once available.
Day 12-20, keep deploy Battle Ship to clear any threat to land the infantry, deploy Cruiser to secure enemy air units (must have at least three Cruiser), infantry keep capture buildings, spare a Battle Ship to help guarding the cities at crescent island. When it's safe, land the Lander at the only beach near enemy HQ, drop the A-Air and infantry. With the help of Cruiser and Battle Ship, Infantry capture enemy HQ and win.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 Infantry, 1 A-Air, 3 Cruisers
BH: 6 Battle Copters
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 20-21 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Mission 30: To The Rescue
Eagle vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"Eagle: Sami's been trapped by Adder! Save her!"

In this mission, Eagle will need to reach to Sami's troops as soon as possible. To win, you will either capture enemy HQ or destroy all four Laser Cannon while preventing Sami's troops from vanishing. Enemy's troops are outnumber Eagle's, use your pre-deploy units wisely, also make sure you get out of Laser Cannon firing range, it fires every end of the day.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, Check out the Laser Cannon firing range first, to move west two vertical line west of the neutral city after bridge is forbiden. infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move two south three west, drop infantry north on the plain field. Deploy two infantry. Both A-Air move full west, Recon move west stop at the bridge, between two A-Air. Two north Battle Copter move four west, south Battle Copter move four west two north. West Fighter move four west, plain field below A-Air. Both Bomber move full north west along the river.
Sami, Rocket move one north three east into city, other hold position.
Day 2, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. Both A-Air move west destroy Battle Copter from south west. east Fighter attack most north enemy Fighter from the left, mountain gain some defence, west Fighter move west attack enemy Bomber coming from south west. North Bomber take out the south east Laser Cannon, another Bomber take out enemy A-Air in range, careful the nearby Missile. use two Battle Copter to take out enemy tank, the rest Battle Copter move full west. Recon move one west three north. Infantry drop by Transport Copter Move one north two west capture the neutral city, west fresh infantry move three west capture city, east fresh infantry load into APC, APC move west stop above Transport Copter and drop infantry north on the road.
Sami, both north Mech move one west one south, Rocket move four south into another city. enemy Battle Copter and Bomber incoming.
Day 3, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. All units move towards Sami's compound while clear off all enemy units in south compound, kill any available enemy in range. Infantry keep capture.
Sami, weaken or kill any available targets, Bomber as piority.
Day 4, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. A-Air clear off the remaining troops at south compound. Put one Bomber in Sami's compound, another full health Bomber move towards south west Laser Cannon. All fighter and Battle Copter move in to help Sami clear off enemy air units, Bomber as piority. Infantry keep capture, south infantry which finish capture load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move full west and drop infantry west.
Sami, help Eagle to clear off enemy air units.
Day 5, clear Off as much enemy units as possible within Sami's compound. Infantry move and capture the city, north east infantry which finish capture load into APC, APC move full west. Deploy a Bomber at HQ. West Bomber destroy the south west Laser Cannon from west, this will allow you attack while dodging enemy nearby Missile. All other land units move north west. Eagle CO Super Power meter should be full now, use it or save it for next turn, your call.
Day 6, check out the map, if there're no more air units, you may combine your Fighter to gain some funds, critical health Battle Copter should combine to avoid getting kill. Your Bomber should in position for either one north Laser Cannon now, weaken it, and use Eagle CO Super Power Lighting Strike to destroy it or get out from firing zone.
Day 7-9, infantry keep capture, APC and Transport Copter fetch them from compound to compound. Fighter keep any air units get into Sami's compound. Land units just hang around south compound, avoid charging into enemy base or Laser Cannon balsting zone. Battle Copter secure enemy land units. Deploy some Bomber and get in position, both north Laser Cannon destroy simultaneously in one day after do full damage to enemy's troops.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 1 Infantry, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 2 A-Air, 1 Transport Copter, 3 Battle Copters, 2 Fighters, 2 Bombers (can deploy more units later in game)
OS: 3 Mechs, 1 APC, 1 A-Air, 1 Missile, 1 Rocket
BH: 2 Infantry, 4 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Artillery, 5 Missile, 5 Rocket, 5 A-Air, 8 Battle Copter, 3 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 4 Laser Cannon (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 9-10 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units, must avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone.
Mission 31: Rain of Fire
Jess vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Jess: The enemy marches in along the volcano. Can they be stopped?"

Another Classic one-on-one map. You will need to capture enemy HQ or defeat all enemy troops to win. There's a huge volcano in the middle of the map and it's not for decoration, it will spews 4-5 lava blast every end of day. It most probably will drop at the same spot, try to avoid the blasting zone.
General Idea of the strategy:
I won't go detail on this mission. This map have four conners, cities and buildings sit along the north and south road site, Jess HQ located at the south west conner while Hawke on the opposite north east conner. There are two route to advance, north then east or east then north. I personally recommend focus your troops on south east neutral base, deploy tank as soon after you have three infantry and a APC, use tank to secure the parameter, gather enough troops (Medium Tanks as main fire power will be nice), charge towards enemy HQ slowly. HQ, secure the bridge entrance with a Medium Tank along with some indirect-combat units will do. Come on, do you need a step by step guide when you play stxr craft or wxr craft? For your info, there are only base which means this is a only-ground-units map.
Predeployed Units:
GE: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 21-22 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Mission 32: Great Sea Battle
GE CO + OS CO + YC CO vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ******
"CO Select: The final battle is at hand! Destroy the pipe to the factory!"

Choose any CO you want from Green Earth, Orange Star and Yellow Comet. You will need to destroy the only pipeline seem located at the north east conner to win. There are two Black Cannon in the middle, two island with four mini cannons guarding the entrance to the pipeline seem, a mini cannon sit in front the seem as shield. Black Hole Factory will deploy units, note that they can move on the same day they deploy. In this guide, i choose Eagle, Max and Kanbei.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, All three team deploy as much infantry as possible.
Day 2,
Eagle, both infantry move two north capture neutral city, deploy another two infantry and a Transport Copter.
Max, west infantry move south west towards neutral cities, deploy a APC on the same base, east infantry load into the APC, deploy a infantry at the same base.
Kanbei, infantry move two north one east capture city, deploy another infantry.
Day 3,
Eagle, north infantry finish capture city, west fresh infantry move two south one east, load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move five north one west drop infantry west into wood, east fresh infantry move full east.
Max, east infantry move full east, APC move full south, drop infantry south into wood, south infantry move two south behind APC.
Kanbei, infantry finish capture city, south infantry move two north capture city, deploy another infantry.
Day 4,
Eagle, west infantry move south west capture neutral city, another two finish capture infantry move north through bridge, capture neutral buildings at the small island link to the bridge, one of them load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move full north, do not drop the infantry yet. East infantry move south east to activate the missile silo, aim enemy air units as piority (enemy will have Battle Copters and Medium Tanks by now).
Max, both south infantry move full south capture neutral city, north infantry move full east to activate missile silo, again aim enemy air units as piority, this will low down the threat of Hawke's fast-deploy-units to Max. Deploy a A-Air at the east base.
Kanbei, keep capture building and move fresh infantry full east near port.
Day 5,
Eagle, west infantry finish capture, north infantry move full north capture city, watch out for Black Cannon balsting zone, missile silo infantry move two north one west. Transport Copter move three east one south drop infantry north into the neutral airport. Deploy a Bomber.
Max, both south infantry keep capture city, missile silo infantry move full east towards the neutral base beside the beach, A-Air move full east into the neutral city.
Kanbei, north infantry keep capture city, deploy a Lander, load the south infantry into it.
Day 6,
Eagle, Bomber move full north. Transport Copter move full south on the road, load missile silo infantry into it. West infantry move full east to the bridge, other infantry keep capture city and airport.
Max, south infantry capture available cities, east infantry capture the neutral base beside the beach, A-Air move along to secure enemy air forces, deploy a Medium Tank.
Kanbei, load another finish capture infantry into Lander, move Lander full east. Infantry finish the capture.
Day 7,
Eagle, deploy a Fighter, north Bomber move full north. North infantry finish capture airport, both south infantry move north, beware the Black Cannon. Transport Copter move full north.
Max, all infantry keep on capture buildings, Medium Tank and A-Air move full east.
Kanbei, Lander move full east, infantry move near the port, deploy a A-Air.
Day 8,
Eagle, All infantry move north, Transport Copter move full north and drop infantry north into neutral base. North Bomber move north east, stop at sea below bridge. Fighter move full north, if enemy Fighter get near move north while keep out from his attack range.
Max, all infantry keep on capture buildings, north infantry finish capture the base beside beach move full east towards missile silo, Medium Tank move full east. Deploy a Medium Tank at the middle base.
Kanbei, Lander move one east into neutral port and land both infantry.
Day 9,
Eagle, all infantry move north careful the Black Cannon blasting zone, activete missile silo and aim enemy units (Fighter as piority target), capture the neutral base. Fighter attack enemy Fighter in range, Bomber move full east and destroy enemy Black Cannon. Transport Copter move south into south wood of the airport. Deploy a Bomber at the fresh captured island airport.
Max, infantry move east activate the missile silo, use your A-Air and Medium Tank to secure the parameter, south infantry finish the capture. Deploy a A-Air at the fresh capture middle base.
Kanbei, deploy a Lander, load infantry and A-Air into it, north infantry move one east to capture neutral base, south infantry activate the missile silo he is standing now, aim enemy's strongest fire power.
Day 10,
Eagle, south infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move five east one north, unload the infantry north into neutral port, other infantry move north and capture buildings. Fresh deploy Bomber move six north one east from airport, Fighter move full north get near the north Bomber. Black Cannon Bomber move two south three east above the mini cannon island, destroy the north east mini cannon. Deploy a Bomber at the north airport.
Max, A-Air and Medium Tank secure the parameter, missile silo infantry retreat full west, both south infantry move north, one of them load into APC, APC fetch them to the the front line. If enemy troops majority air units, deploy a A-Air.
Kanbei, empty Lander move four north, Loaded Lander move full east, north infantry finish capture base, missile silo infantry move one north two east capture city.
Day 11,
Eagle, mini cannon Bomber help Max to clear out some heavy fire power land units (Neo Tank or Medium Tank or Rocket), beware of enemy anti air units. Fighter move full east, avoid mini cannon blasting zone. North west Bomber move full east, fresh deploy Bomber move six north one east, previous Bomber position. All west linked island keep capture neutral buildings, Transport Copter infantry move one north east capture airport.
Max, brings out all south infantry to the front line to capture buildings, use your Medium Tanks and A-Air to hold the line, retreat or combine units if it's critical, deploy a Medium Tank at the middle base.
Kanbei, loaded Lander move full east, empty lander move two east into beach. East injured infantry keep capture city, west infantry move full north east. Deploy a A-Air at the fresh captured base.
Day 12,
Eagle, west linked island infantry move east and keep capture buildings, Transport Copter injured infantry keep capture airport. Bomber near destroyed Black Cannon move four east three south, attack the north west mini cannon from east, Bomber helping Max retreat back to help destroy the mini cannon, west bomber move full east. Deploy a APC.
Max, same as Day 11, brings out all south infantry to the front line to capture buildings, use your Medium Tanks to hold the line, retreat A-Air if it's critical, keep deploy Medium Tank at the middle base. Max will need to hold the line while storing more fire powers.
Kanbei, north infantry move two east to activate missile silo, south infantry finish capture city. Lander with an infantry and A-Air move one east five north. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 13,
Eagle, load an infantry into APC, APC move full east, other infantry move east, Transport Copter infantry finish capture island airport. All Bomber move near the double lane entrance bridge to the Factory, help Max to clear out enemy units.
Max, same as Day 12.
Kanbei, load A-Air and missile silo infantry into Lander, city infantry move two north capture city. Loaded Lander move two east four north, drop infantry west into wood, A-Air south on the beach. Deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 14,
Eagle, island finish capture airport infantry move one south west capture port, other infantry move full east. Bomber run out of fuel retreat west, APC move east to give them supply. Fighter move east and destroy any air units nearby. Bomber keep clear out units on the double lane bridge. Deploy a Bomber on the new capture island airport, deploy a Fighter on the north west linked island airport.
Max, same as Day 12.
kanbei, infantry at Black Cannon island move full north capture neutral base, A-Air move behind him. Empty Lander move four south one east into beach, loaded Lander move six north drop A-Air west and infantry south. Infantry finish capture city, fresh deploy Medium Tank at base move towards Lander, deploy a infantry at the same base.
Day 15,
Eagle, infantry capture buildings, fresh deploy Fighter move full north east towards the double lane bridge, front line Fighter destroy any Air unit in range, enemy Bomber as piority. APC move east, not too near the front line, give supply to any units that run out of fuel. Bomber depress enemy troops and get near the pipeline seem. Deploy a Bomber.
Max, same as Day 12, move all available fire power behind Eagle's Bomber, charge towards enemy Factory
Kanbei, now you will just need to repeatly deploy some A-Air and Medium Tank, fetch it to the Black Cannon island, destroy Black Cannon and mini cannon and dominate that island, not much enemy there while enemy units will concentrate on the entrance bridge, take the advantage to take over the south compound. After destroy the Black Cannon, you can deploy Rocket to attack the pipeline seem from south.
Day 16-24,
Eagle, keep deploy Bomber and charge all to pipeline seem. Put two Fighter at the front line to prevent enemy air units. Destroy anti air units as piority and move towards the pipeline seem. Use CO Super Power to make combo kill more than 6, pump up your Power points.
Max, back eagle up with land units.
Kanbei, same as Day 15.
Predeployed Units:
GE: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 24-25 days.
Power: Make a chain of combo more than 5.(kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Flak and Adder argue over taking command, but Sturm insists on taking command himself. "You wretches report to the missile platform and assist Lash." They leave, and Sturm is very disappointed with their losses. " When this is finished, I will make...adjustments."
Mission 33: Hot Pursuit
Any three COs vs. Sturm
Difficulty: ******
"CO Select: Attack the Black Hole citadel!"

In this chapter, you will find it more easy with using indirect-combat units, so, we will deploy only Rockets! You can pick CO of your own, i personally suggest Grit, Jess and Andy. Grit will be the striker with Rockets, Jess and Andy will assist from side. Mission start with no pre-deployed units, but you will strat with few cities, means an amount of income will allow you to build more expensive units. When pick CO, choose Grit first to get the middle base, then choose Jess and Andy.
You will need to destroy all three Black Cannon in the middle front. 3 of them protected by pipeline, lasers, mini cannons and some units. the only threat of Sturm units is the Rockets, Missiles and Medium Tanks beside right side laser beam. Others melee units like Medium and Neo Tanks within the Black Cannons compound shouldn't be a problem as long as you didn't break the deepest layer of pipeline seem.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
All team deploy 2 infantry.
Day 2,
Grit, both infantry move full north, deploy another two infantry.
Jess, both infantry move full north east, beware the Laser Cannon blasting zone, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, both infantry move full north west, beware the Laser Cannon blasting zone, deploy a Rocket.
Day 3,
Grit, west fresh deploy infantry move two north one east, east fresh deploy infantry move two north one west, deploy another 2 infantry.
Jess, both infantry move north capture the neutral base along water, Rocket move to the front line, one square beside the end of Laser Cannon and mini cannon blasting zone.
Andy, both infantry move north near the neutral base along water, Rocket move to the front line, one square beside the end of Laser Cannon and mini cannon blasting zone.
Day 4,
Grit, north west infantry move two north one east, north east move two north one west capture the neutral building, all four infantry move north, stay one square south of the capturing infantry. Deploy 2 Rocket.
Jess, finish capture base, Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, start capture neutral base along the water, Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 5,
Grit, all infantry move north capture neutral building, both Rocket move full north.
Jess, enemy Battle Ship in position infantry move out of attack range. Move Rocket to the front line and north Rocket aim the most west mini cannon. Deploy a Rocket.
Andy, finish capture base, move Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 6,
Grit, all infantry continue capture. Both north Rocket attack both mini cannon in the middle, deploy two rocket.
Jess, north Rocket attack most west mini cannon, other Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, move all Rocket to the front line.
Day 7,
Grit, destroy both middle mini cannon, both fresh deploy Rocket move full north behind north Rocket. All infantry keep capture, after finish capture front line cities, capture both nearby neutral base, combine the infantry to accelerate capture speed.
Jess , destroy the most west mini cannon. Move all Rocket to the front line, same line to the six Grit's new captured cities.
Andy, move all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 8,
Grit, continue capture cities and base, Rockets move into captured north cities, move on Rocket aim the most east mini cannon. Deploy two Rocket.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, infantry at the new captured base move aside, deploy a Rocket at the base along the water. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 9,
Grit, finish capture both base nearby north cities, Rocket at the east attack the most east mini cannon. Move all Rocket to the front line.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 10,
Grit, infantry finish capture middle north base, deploy two Rocket, move all Rocket to the fron line, destroy the most east mini cannon.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 11-15,
All three team's Rockets move north and line up along the first layer pipeline, let Grit's Rocket take the aim for Black Cannon, his extra one attack range can hit the Black Cannon from the first layer pipeline. You will need to destroy only two Black Cannon, weaken the last Black Cannon, do not finish it yet. Keep deploy Rocket as much as possible and fill the front line for all three team. Weaken all Medium Tanks, Neo Tanks in the inner second layer of pipeline to 5-6hp.
Day 16,
Grit park more than 10 Rocket along the first layer pipeline, cast Grit CO Power, rise attack power of Rockets, destroy all weaken tank in the second inner layer of pipeline. Make a chain combo of more than 6. End the turn, Sturm will cast his CO Super Power, watch it.
Day 17-18,
All team combine injurded units, kill the remaining in range units, finish off the last Black Cannon.
Predeployed Units:
Orange Star: None
Blue Moon: None
Green Earth: None
Black Hole: 2 Sub, 2 Cruiser, 2 Battle Ship, 4 Missile, 4 Rocket, 10 Medium Tank, 5 Neo Tank, 4 mini cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, 3 Black Cannon
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 17-18 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can in 1 round with Grit's Rockets ( destory two Black Cannon, low down the damage taken, collect more than 10 units Rocket along the pipeline plus weaken trapped enemy units is the key to maximum combo ).
Technique: Always remember to combine your injurd troops to save points for Technique.
Mission 34: Final Front
Any three COs vs. Sturm
Difficulty: *******
"CO Select: The final conflict! Stop the enemy's missile from launching!"

Final mission, if you score all Rank-S for all previous missions, Rank-A for this mission will not effect the unlock and purchase of Sturm from Hachi. Destroy the Death Ray in 30 days time to win. Choose any three CO, the first choosen will be the middle team, second choosen will locate on the west base and third will take the east base.
General Idea of the strategy:
I suggest you pick the high attack power CO for this mission, you will need to destroy the Death Ray at the north path of the map to win. The middle team will need to deploy as many troops as you can to defend the base also carry the job to distract enemy forces from disturbing both side wings team progress, capture as the building nearby and forget the building on the middle north island, both Black Cannon, Death Ray and major enemy forces will overwhelm you. Both side wing capture as many building as you can, keep deploy Bomber (also some A-Air in case enemy sent some Fighter), when you have more than three, charge north, destroy the Black Cannon, then move north, recommend you to break the pipeline seem to get near Death Ray, if you choose Max and Eagle as your side wing team, a full health Bomber should take out Death Ray in one shot. Keep in mind that you should check out Sturm CO Super Power meter often, avoid gather your troops together, Sturm CO Super Power will kick your @ss hard. I cant find a way to get a Rank S here, Power Points always too low to get high Rank, that's why you should try your best to get Rank-S for all previous mission so that you have a bigger margin to get a average Rank-S.
Predeployed Units:
Orange Star: None
Blue Moon: None
Yellow Comet: None
Green Earth: None
Black Hole: 2 Black Cannon, 6 mini cannon, 1 Death Ray
Rank Points: Try to get Rank above B.
Speed: Finish within 30 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can in 1 round with Grit's Rockets ( destory two Black Cannon, low down the damage taken, focus your fire power to maximum combo ).
Technique: Always remember to combine your injurd troops to save points for Technique.
This is it, full guide for normal campaign, although i still can't figure out a Rank-S strategy for the last mission, i will update the guide as soon as i figure it out, hope this 'home made' guide can help you all, till then.
~ 光之军 ~
Drake seems to have a face problem here...even after hearing Allied victories over Black Hole in western countries, Green Earth is still half occupied by Black Hole forces under their best commander, Hawke. Jess comes in and asks if they're counterattacking. Eagle and Drake are not land masters, so Jess's return from training is much needed for GE. Eagle doesn't care for "Red"'s help and would rather do it himself, but Drake notices that with all three fronts covered as them three, they can take back GE. Choose the northwest mission with Eagle versus Hawke first.
Mission 25: Sea Fortress
Eagle vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Eagle: Where did that sea fortress come from? Crush it!"

This is a "destroy the target" map, both team have their pre-deployed units. In this case you will need to destroy all 8 mini cannons surrounding the sea fotress to win. What make things complicated is all enemy units except Battle Copters, are Anti Air. You will need to plan your moves carefully to low down casualties, or else Technique points deduction will cost you Rank S for this mission.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, move all your Bomber full east, in one vertical line. All Battle Copters follow behind Bombers, in one vertical line too. All Fighter move in front Bombers, in one vertical line. you will get a half piramid pointing to east at the end of the day.
Day 2, first wave coming, 2 Fighter, 4 Battle Copter will park in front of you. Use your left and right side wing Fighter attack enemy 2 fighter from back, another 2 take them out by side. Move your north and south side wing Battle Copter 5 east and attack 2 enemy Battle Copters from side. Move your another north side wing Battle Copter 1 south 5 east, attack full health Battle Copter at east, move south wing Battle Copter 1 north 5 east, attack the full health Battle Copter at east too. DO NOT kill those 4 Battle Copters or else Hawke will fill up his CO power meter, you will get a taste of his Black Storm (all units deduct 2HP, all enemy units heal 2HP, Ouch~). Move full east for other remain Battle Copters. Measure abit enemy nearest Fighter pressing 'B' on them. All Bomber move full east.
Day 3, Now you take take out the combined weaken Battle Copters with 2 of your Battle Copters, other 6 move full east, ignore getting into mini cannons firing range. Kill another 2 incoming Fighter with 4 of yours, ignore the mini cannons too. All Bombers move full east and take out enemy Cruisers and A-Air, do not attack the mini cannons yet. After all units take their moves, your CO power meter should be full right now, activate Eagle's Lighting Strike. All Bomber move full east and take out and weaken all 4 Missiles as piority, leave the A-Air and mini cannons. All other units move full east too, keep out of A-Air firing range. Again, enemy Fighter and Cruiser must be destroyed. Combine critical units.
Day 4, like it or not, you need to suffer the damage of Black Storm by Hawke, i've try the best to lower down the casualties in this guide. Now take out the ramaining Missiles then all units move east to the end of map, behind the mini cannons, we will destroy the mini cannons starting from back.
Day 5-7, mini cannons will cause lots of damage, but won't kill, keep moving till the end of the map, combine critical units. Bomber start destroy 2 the most east mini cannons. Sent 2 Bomber back to the front to take out 2 most west mini cannons, careful avoiding the second layer mini cannons firing range, there will be one or two safe zone to destroy them. Now, the remain 4 mini cannons beside the sea fotress will block the A-Air so ignore the A-Air, you can try to take them off if you want, just don't get yourself killed. You will have one safe zone to attack these mini cannons, the side beaches beside them. Move your Bomber and Battle Copter at position and weaken them until you can finish 4 of them off in one day.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 8 Battle Copter, 4 Fighter, 6 Bomber
BH: 6 Battle Copter, 4 Fighter, 2 Cruiser, 4 Missile, 4 A-Air
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 7-8 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 26: Sinking Feeling
Jess vs. Lash
Difficulty: ******
"Jess: The enemy's battleships have come in for repairs. Can they be sunk?"

This is a "destroy the target" plus timed mission, also this mission contain the secret lab map for Green Earth team, located in south city on the western island. Jess give passive boost up for vehicel units, you will need to sink all 9 battleships park in a seal up compound at north east, capture secret lab map city and finish all in 17 days to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, east infantry move one east two north start capture the neutral port, west infantry load into APC, both 2 Mech move full east. Both Artillery move full east. North Medium Tank move full east, south Medium Tank move two north three east into the road. Recon move one north three east. West A-Air move two north four east into a captured city, east A-Air move four east into wood. Rocket move one north four east. North Tank move one north four east, south Tank move four east. APC move two east and supply vehicle around it.
Day 2, finish port capture. All units charge north east and engage first batch enemies, 1 infantry, 1 Mech, 1 A-Air, 1 Artillery, 4 tank and 1 Medium Tank by default. North Mech move two east, south Mech move two north. West Medium Tank move full east, east Medium Tank three east two north. South tank move two north four east, north tank move full east and weaken enemy infantry. East Artillery move one north four east, west Artillery move two north three east. Recon move two north one east into the road. Rocket move one north two east into the captured city. East A-Air move one north four east. Remain units hold position.
Day 3, Infantry at fresh captured port move two south one east, deploy a Lander, load north A-Air and west Mech into it. Rocket weaken the enemy in range, preferable heavy units like Medium Tank. West Artillery shoot west enemy tank, east Artillery shoot east tank. Use your tanks to kill the critical infantry and tank. Use your south Medium Tank on the road to take out weaken Medium Tank, north Medium Tank attack enemy Mech or any other unit in range. Recon move five east two south into the south east cities island. Mech move full north east into the captured city. Preserve the A-Air, you will need it later, hold position for A-Air. APC move east and supply any unit, your call.
Day 4, move your Lander full north west. Kill the remain units around and move north east, follow the right path to capture the neutral base, also avoid the direct fire of mini cannons. Heal or combine your critical units like tank, can move into city to heal.
Day 5, move your lander towards the beach of the western island. All units keep moving north east right path. APC move near the most east neutral base near the mini cannon, drop the infantry, make sure infantry is in position so that he can start capture by next day. Deploy a battleship.
Day 6, move your lander and unload the A-Air and Mech. Battleship move north towards enemy battleships. All units keep moving north at the right path. North infantry start capture base. Bring Rocket and Artillery to the left path to engage the mini cannons. APC move back to fetch Mech.
Day 7, Mech at the western island start capture the south city first. Battleship move full north. Get Rocket and Artillery in position. Infantry finish capture the base, load Mech into APC. All unit keep moving towards the repairing battleships. Deploy another battleship.
Day 8, Finish capture city at the western island, secret lab map get, same goes to other infantry, those who finish move north. Fresh deploy battleship move full north, another battleship start attack those repairing ships. Take the first attack towards Bomber using your A-Air. Destroy the south mini cannon with your Artillery and Rocket. All units move towards repairing ships and deploy a A-Air at new captured base. Move APC full north and drop Mech near enemy cities.
Day 9, Mech at the western island capture port, east Mech capture enemy city, infantry keep capture neutral city or move north to capture enemy cities. Use your A-Air to finish off any air units. Get you Medium Tanks and Artillery in position to destroy the second mini cannon. Rocket move near the repairing ships. Both battleship move north to get a good position aimming those ships. Deploy a Rocket at the new captured middle east base.
Day 10-14, Mech and infantry keep capture buildings, A-Air secure any incoming air units, put at least 2 around, enemy will keep bugging you with Bomber and Battle Copters, deploy some to cover up if A-Air HP running low. Destroy the mini cannon with your Artillery and Medium Tanks. Get other units like Artillery and Rocket in position to start sinking ships. Combine any available units to raise some fund deploy more Rockets. Keep sinking with your Artillery, Rocket and battleship. Use Jess's Co power to raise vehicle units attack.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 infantry, 2 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 2 Artillery, 1 Rocket, 2 A-Air, 2 Tank, 2 Medium Tank (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 4 infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Artillery, 1 Rocket, 1 A-Air, 4 Tank, 2 Medium Tank, 2 mini cannon, 9 repairing Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 14-15 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 27: Drake's Dilemma
Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Drake: Drake is swept up in Hawke's assault. Will he survive?"

You will need to destroy enemy's both Black Cannon to win. With Fog Of War, you will find it's a bit difficult to aim enemy from sea, enemy's indirect-combat units are all around the lake, you will need to do some good killing combo here to get a Rank S. Kanbei will assist you.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Drake, deploy a infantry at HQ base. Middle lake, Lander move into port, APC load into it. Battle Ship in the middle amongs Cruisers move one west four south, South Cruiser in the reef move four north two east into the reef. South Sub dive two west four south, east Sub move two north one east into the reef, north Sub move three west one south into the reef, west Sub move two west into the reef, Sub above port dive full south. South Battle Ship move four south one west into the reef, east Battle Ship move two west four south beside the beach, last Battle Ship move one west three south into the reef. Other units hold position.
Kanbei, deploy 2 infantry.
Day 2,
Drake, infantry capture the base, deploy a tank. Sub dive near the beach move east near the reef. South Battle Ship move one south two east into the reef, other three Battle Ship move into the reefs at the south west. Sub in the reef 4 west 2 north from port move 2 west 3 south, park between Battle Ship in the reef and wood on the left, you will reveal a Rocket. Lander move 2 west 1 south into nearest reef.
Kanbei, west infantry move two north capture city, east infantry move full north. Deploy another 2 infantry.
Day 3,
Drake, infantry finish capture base, move tank full east. Use the north Battle Ship to weaken the Rocket in the wood, both Battle Ship in the middle reef kill the infantry, move the dived Sub above the wood at the south west 3 east 1 south, reveal a Rocket at the other side, south Battle Ship weaken the revealed Rocket.
Kanbei, first batch infantry finish capture city and launch the missile silo at the enemy near the Battle Ships (2 Artillery 1 Rocket 1 infantry). Second batch infantry both move north, west infantry move full north, east move two north start capture city. Deploy a tank at the east base.
Day 4,
Drake, infantry move full east, use your tank to weaken enemy Recon. All Battle Ship move south from reef to reef, one follow another.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, silo and north infantry move north west, south west infantry move two north capture city. Tank move north, leave the critical Recon.
Day 5,
Drake, if Hawke launch missile silo at your Cruiser, good, nop? better try again. Combine them to get more funds (clear out the reef for new Battle Ship), you will need Battle Ship more than any other water troops, since there are none air unit in this map. Deploy a Battle Ship. Infantry move full north east and tank weaken any enemy in range.
Kanbei, move your tank into wood near enemy base, infantry keep capture.
Day 6,
Drake, new Battle Ship move 3 north 2 east, tank weaken nearby enemy, infantry move full north.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 7,
Drake, infantry move north, careful do not leap into Enemy Rocket firing range. Tank weaken enemy in range. North Battle Ship weaken the Rocket.
Kanbei, infantry keep capture, those who finish move north east through woods towards the neutral port, combine any critical health units. Tank and Medium Tank move north into enemy base to weaken enemy units, leave one or two critical health enemy fo Drake's turn.
Day 8,
Drake, here Hawke will randomly cast his CO power Black Wave, IF he cast, combine the Cruiser, deploy a Battle Ship, also DO NOT START THE KILLING COMBO, do it on the next day. I continue the guide assume Hawke did not cast his CO power. Now you are ready to make 6 kill combo in one day with 5 Battle Ship 1 tank. Start from north Battle Ship, destroy the Rocket, Battle Ship at south west destroy the weaken Rocket and Artillery at the begining, while tank kill any critical health unit in range.
kanbei, from now on, infantry try to capture neutral port and continue move north to capture enemy buildings, keep deploy Medium Tank and charge enemy base at the middle east of the map.
Day 9,
Drake, If Hawke cast the CO power or your tank didn't have any one shot kill target in range, you will do the killing combo today, kill 6 or more enemy in one day.
Kanbei, do as Day 8.
Day 10,
Drake, after the combo, south Battle Ship move one west five south beside wood, you will reveal a Rocket. All Battle Ship follow, move south from reef to reef, kill any available unit along the way. Move units into reef to avoid being hit. Move south Sub back to port or merge with another to avoid run out of fuel.
Kanbei, do as Day 8.
Day 11-16,
Destroy as many enemy units as possible, use Battle Ship to destroy both Black Cannons while Kanbei just need to hold the line, enemy will sent some Neo Tanks.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 1 APC, 1 Lander, 4 Cruiser, 5 Sub, 4 Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 6 Recon, 2 A-Air, 1 Missile, 7 Artillery, 9 Rocket, 2 Tank, 4 Medium Tank, 2 Black Cannon (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 15-16 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 28: Danger x9
Jess, Eagle, or Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: Capture the enemy lab and seize the plans for their new weapon!"

You must take enemy lab in a 10-day limit, which means you must either capture enemy's lab or clear all enemy troops in Day 9 to win. I will strongly suggest CO Eagle for this mission, his CO Super Power Lighting Strike will allow you to take another extra turn for all vehicle and plane units, something like a extra day for you. Plan your move carefully because you will have a tight schedule for only 9 Days count down.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, move all your Medium Tank full north, Both Recon full north east hide in the woods next day, A-Air one west full north into a captured city. Cruiser move into reef, Battle Ship move one east two north. In the middle compound which sealed by pipeline with two seems, deploy a infantry, you will need it to capture the neutral airport. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 2, infantry move one south one east capture the neutral airport. Battle Ship weaken the tank, Medium Tank move north into the base. Both Recon move into the woods along the pipeline, hide till the end. Cruiser move two east into another reef. South A-Air move one east full north hide into the wood, fresh A-Air move east into wood with Recon. Deploy a APC at the base beside the infantry within the sealed compound.
Day 3, 3-4 Battle Copter, 1 Mech, 1 tank, 1 Recon incoming. Engage them and make Battle Copter piority target, utilise your A-Air and Cruiser, kill as many as possible. Kill the Mech with Battle Ship. Infantry finish capture airport and deploy a APC in the same sealed compound. Hide your critical health unit into wood.
Day 4, Hawke will collect enough power to cast Black Wave, you will need to heal back your infantry and APC to full health at the captured city locate at the most south of the compound, APC from base move two east two south, If he's not, be prepare for Black Storm. Load finish captured infantry into APC. Deploy a Bomber at the new captured airport. Combine the Recon (if Hawke cast Black Wave), retreat all units back to the HQ, heal or hide. Battle Ship the same hide or heal at port.
Day 5, HQ troops try to hold the line, we're not going to clear all the troops here, just make sure kill the Mech and destroy as many troops as you can, hide the critical health units into woods and reef. Bomber move next to the north east pipeline seem, deploy another Bomber at the same airport, full health infantry load into APC.
Day 6, Try to keep all units from being kill. Bomber next to pipeline seem destroy the seem, fresh deploy Bomber at airport move towards north pipeline seem, deploy another Bomber at the same airport. Your CO Super Power meter should full right now, if not kill some more and full it up for next turn. i recommend to use it, your 3 Bomber and APC will have a extra turn here. Destroy the north pipeline and another two Bomber head towards enemy's lab, clear all enemy along the way, APC follow at behind, beware of Rocket.
Day 7, APC continue to enemy's lab with Bomber's escort. You must be able to drop your infantry near enough the lab by today to enable you capture enemy's lab the next two days, else, restart the mission. Also try not to kill any more enemy troops to stop filling Hawke's CO meter, you need to avoid his CO Power from injurd your infantry, you need a full health infantry to finish capture in two days time.
Day 8, infantry capture the lab, secure the parameter, let no one interupt the capture. No killing.
Day 9, kill any available units around, then capture the lab to win
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 Recon, 1 A-Air, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battle Ship (can deploy more units later in game)
BH: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 1 A-Air, 1 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 2 Tank, 2 Medium Tank, 4 Battle Copter
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Must finish within 9 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine or hide the units in woods or reefs when injurd.
Mission 29: Navy vs. Air
Drake vs. Hawke
Difficulty: *****
"Drake: It's Drake's peerless navy vs. Hawke air force. Who will win?"

Drake's HQ on the west, Hawke HQ on the east, a classic one-on-one map. You will need to clear all enemy forces or capture enemy HQ to win. Since you're using Drake, better stick with sea forces, pre-deploy Cruisers will helps a lot againts Hawke's air units.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, all 3 Cruiser move full north east towards open space in the middle of the map, use them to secure the parameter and Lander. West infantry and A-Air load into Lander, east infantry move three north towards the neutral port. Lander move north east together with Cruiser. Deploy two infantry.
Day 2, take a look at Hawke HQ, there are 6 Battle Copter on their way, be prepare. North infantry keep move 3 north towards neutral port, both fresh deploy infantry move two north capture neutral base. Lander and Cruisers move full north east.
Day 3, north infantry move 3 east start capture port, other two finish capture base. Lander and Cruisers hold position.
Day 4, there are two team of Battle Copter, one team come straight from east above water, another team from south. Attack the team above water which nearer while avoid getting into south Battle Copter team firing range using Cruiser, Lander move into the port of center island with 3 buildings, land the infantry first.
Day 5, infantry finish capture move near the fresh capture port, deploy a Lander at the fresh captured port. Kill the south team Battle Copters. Middle island infantry move three north, now land the A-Air.
Day 6, move two west infantry into fresh deploy Lander then move fresh Lander four south three east towards the neutral port of crescent island, deploy a Battle Ship at the same port. East infantry move one north start capture the neutral airport. Cruisers secure at the east side of the middle island, prevent any air units comes from east.
Day 7, west Lander move one east one south into the neutral port of crescent island, drop both infantry. Cruiser kill any nearby air units. Middle island infantry continue capture airport, middle island Lander move full west. Battle Ship move full east.
Day 8, middle infantry finish capture airport. Both Lander move north west to combine, deploy another Battle Ship at the north port. Battle Ship move towards enemy HQ. Cruiser secure the parameter.
Day 9, both Battle Ship move east to take aim near enemy HQ. All infantry keep capture city, Lander move into port and load the only west infantry into it. Use Cruiser to defend the attack of Battle Copter. All infantry keep capture building. Deploy a Cruiser at the north port.
Day 10, combine the critical health Cruiser, move both Battle Ship and fresh Cruiser east near enemy HQ, fire at will. All infantry keep capture building, port as piority. Cruiser do not let any air unit get pass to west. Lander move to the middle island to fetch A-Air and swap a full health infantry.
Day 11, Lander with A-Air and full health infantry at the middle island move east towards enemy HQ, beware of Battle Copter. All infantry continue capture building. Deploy a Battle Ship at the north port. Move all Cruiser east near enemy airport to secure thier Air units. Use CO Super Power once available.
Day 12-20, keep deploy Battle Ship to clear any threat to land the infantry, deploy Cruiser to secure enemy air units (must have at least three Cruiser), infantry keep capture buildings, spare a Battle Ship to help guarding the cities at crescent island. When it's safe, land the Lander at the only beach near enemy HQ, drop the A-Air and infantry. With the help of Cruiser and Battle Ship, Infantry capture enemy HQ and win.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 2 Infantry, 1 A-Air, 3 Cruisers
BH: 6 Battle Copters
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 20-21 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Mission 30: To The Rescue
Eagle vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"Eagle: Sami's been trapped by Adder! Save her!"

In this mission, Eagle will need to reach to Sami's troops as soon as possible. To win, you will either capture enemy HQ or destroy all four Laser Cannon while preventing Sami's troops from vanishing. Enemy's troops are outnumber Eagle's, use your pre-deploy units wisely, also make sure you get out of Laser Cannon firing range, it fires every end of the day.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, Check out the Laser Cannon firing range first, to move west two vertical line west of the neutral city after bridge is forbiden. infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move two south three west, drop infantry north on the plain field. Deploy two infantry. Both A-Air move full west, Recon move west stop at the bridge, between two A-Air. Two north Battle Copter move four west, south Battle Copter move four west two north. West Fighter move four west, plain field below A-Air. Both Bomber move full north west along the river.
Sami, Rocket move one north three east into city, other hold position.
Day 2, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. Both A-Air move west destroy Battle Copter from south west. east Fighter attack most north enemy Fighter from the left, mountain gain some defence, west Fighter move west attack enemy Bomber coming from south west. North Bomber take out the south east Laser Cannon, another Bomber take out enemy A-Air in range, careful the nearby Missile. use two Battle Copter to take out enemy tank, the rest Battle Copter move full west. Recon move one west three north. Infantry drop by Transport Copter Move one north two west capture the neutral city, west fresh infantry move three west capture city, east fresh infantry load into APC, APC move west stop above Transport Copter and drop infantry north on the road.
Sami, both north Mech move one west one south, Rocket move four south into another city. enemy Battle Copter and Bomber incoming.
Day 3, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. All units move towards Sami's compound while clear off all enemy units in south compound, kill any available enemy in range. Infantry keep capture.
Sami, weaken or kill any available targets, Bomber as piority.
Day 4, All units avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone while advancing. A-Air clear off the remaining troops at south compound. Put one Bomber in Sami's compound, another full health Bomber move towards south west Laser Cannon. All fighter and Battle Copter move in to help Sami clear off enemy air units, Bomber as piority. Infantry keep capture, south infantry which finish capture load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move full west and drop infantry west.
Sami, help Eagle to clear off enemy air units.
Day 5, clear Off as much enemy units as possible within Sami's compound. Infantry move and capture the city, north east infantry which finish capture load into APC, APC move full west. Deploy a Bomber at HQ. West Bomber destroy the south west Laser Cannon from west, this will allow you attack while dodging enemy nearby Missile. All other land units move north west. Eagle CO Super Power meter should be full now, use it or save it for next turn, your call.
Day 6, check out the map, if there're no more air units, you may combine your Fighter to gain some funds, critical health Battle Copter should combine to avoid getting kill. Your Bomber should in position for either one north Laser Cannon now, weaken it, and use Eagle CO Super Power Lighting Strike to destroy it or get out from firing zone.
Day 7-9, infantry keep capture, APC and Transport Copter fetch them from compound to compound. Fighter keep any air units get into Sami's compound. Land units just hang around south compound, avoid charging into enemy base or Laser Cannon balsting zone. Battle Copter secure enemy land units. Deploy some Bomber and get in position, both north Laser Cannon destroy simultaneously in one day after do full damage to enemy's troops.
Predeployed Units:
GE: 1 Infantry, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 2 A-Air, 1 Transport Copter, 3 Battle Copters, 2 Fighters, 2 Bombers (can deploy more units later in game)
OS: 3 Mechs, 1 APC, 1 A-Air, 1 Missile, 1 Rocket
BH: 2 Infantry, 4 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Artillery, 5 Missile, 5 Rocket, 5 A-Air, 8 Battle Copter, 3 Bomber, 1 Fighter, 4 Laser Cannon (can deploy more units later in game)
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 9-10 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units, must avoid the Laser Cannon blasting zone.
Mission 31: Rain of Fire
Jess vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ****
"Jess: The enemy marches in along the volcano. Can they be stopped?"

Another Classic one-on-one map. You will need to capture enemy HQ or defeat all enemy troops to win. There's a huge volcano in the middle of the map and it's not for decoration, it will spews 4-5 lava blast every end of day. It most probably will drop at the same spot, try to avoid the blasting zone.
General Idea of the strategy:
I won't go detail on this mission. This map have four conners, cities and buildings sit along the north and south road site, Jess HQ located at the south west conner while Hawke on the opposite north east conner. There are two route to advance, north then east or east then north. I personally recommend focus your troops on south east neutral base, deploy tank as soon after you have three infantry and a APC, use tank to secure the parameter, gather enough troops (Medium Tanks as main fire power will be nice), charge towards enemy HQ slowly. HQ, secure the bridge entrance with a Medium Tank along with some indirect-combat units will do. Come on, do you need a step by step guide when you play stxr craft or wxr craft? For your info, there are only base which means this is a only-ground-units map.
Predeployed Units:
GE: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 21-22 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Mission 32: Great Sea Battle
GE CO + OS CO + YC CO vs. Hawke
Difficulty: ******
"CO Select: The final battle is at hand! Destroy the pipe to the factory!"

Choose any CO you want from Green Earth, Orange Star and Yellow Comet. You will need to destroy the only pipeline seem located at the north east conner to win. There are two Black Cannon in the middle, two island with four mini cannons guarding the entrance to the pipeline seem, a mini cannon sit in front the seem as shield. Black Hole Factory will deploy units, note that they can move on the same day they deploy. In this guide, i choose Eagle, Max and Kanbei.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, All three team deploy as much infantry as possible.
Day 2,
Eagle, both infantry move two north capture neutral city, deploy another two infantry and a Transport Copter.
Max, west infantry move south west towards neutral cities, deploy a APC on the same base, east infantry load into the APC, deploy a infantry at the same base.
Kanbei, infantry move two north one east capture city, deploy another infantry.
Day 3,
Eagle, north infantry finish capture city, west fresh infantry move two south one east, load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move five north one west drop infantry west into wood, east fresh infantry move full east.
Max, east infantry move full east, APC move full south, drop infantry south into wood, south infantry move two south behind APC.
Kanbei, infantry finish capture city, south infantry move two north capture city, deploy another infantry.
Day 4,
Eagle, west infantry move south west capture neutral city, another two finish capture infantry move north through bridge, capture neutral buildings at the small island link to the bridge, one of them load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move full north, do not drop the infantry yet. East infantry move south east to activate the missile silo, aim enemy air units as piority (enemy will have Battle Copters and Medium Tanks by now).
Max, both south infantry move full south capture neutral city, north infantry move full east to activate missile silo, again aim enemy air units as piority, this will low down the threat of Hawke's fast-deploy-units to Max. Deploy a A-Air at the east base.
Kanbei, keep capture building and move fresh infantry full east near port.
Day 5,
Eagle, west infantry finish capture, north infantry move full north capture city, watch out for Black Cannon balsting zone, missile silo infantry move two north one west. Transport Copter move three east one south drop infantry north into the neutral airport. Deploy a Bomber.
Max, both south infantry keep capture city, missile silo infantry move full east towards the neutral base beside the beach, A-Air move full east into the neutral city.
Kanbei, north infantry keep capture city, deploy a Lander, load the south infantry into it.
Day 6,
Eagle, Bomber move full north. Transport Copter move full south on the road, load missile silo infantry into it. West infantry move full east to the bridge, other infantry keep capture city and airport.
Max, south infantry capture available cities, east infantry capture the neutral base beside the beach, A-Air move along to secure enemy air forces, deploy a Medium Tank.
Kanbei, load another finish capture infantry into Lander, move Lander full east. Infantry finish the capture.
Day 7,
Eagle, deploy a Fighter, north Bomber move full north. North infantry finish capture airport, both south infantry move north, beware the Black Cannon. Transport Copter move full north.
Max, all infantry keep on capture buildings, Medium Tank and A-Air move full east.
Kanbei, Lander move full east, infantry move near the port, deploy a A-Air.
Day 8,
Eagle, All infantry move north, Transport Copter move full north and drop infantry north into neutral base. North Bomber move north east, stop at sea below bridge. Fighter move full north, if enemy Fighter get near move north while keep out from his attack range.
Max, all infantry keep on capture buildings, north infantry finish capture the base beside beach move full east towards missile silo, Medium Tank move full east. Deploy a Medium Tank at the middle base.
Kanbei, Lander move one east into neutral port and land both infantry.
Day 9,
Eagle, all infantry move north careful the Black Cannon blasting zone, activete missile silo and aim enemy units (Fighter as piority target), capture the neutral base. Fighter attack enemy Fighter in range, Bomber move full east and destroy enemy Black Cannon. Transport Copter move south into south wood of the airport. Deploy a Bomber at the fresh captured island airport.
Max, infantry move east activate the missile silo, use your A-Air and Medium Tank to secure the parameter, south infantry finish the capture. Deploy a A-Air at the fresh capture middle base.
Kanbei, deploy a Lander, load infantry and A-Air into it, north infantry move one east to capture neutral base, south infantry activate the missile silo he is standing now, aim enemy's strongest fire power.
Day 10,
Eagle, south infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter move five east one north, unload the infantry north into neutral port, other infantry move north and capture buildings. Fresh deploy Bomber move six north one east from airport, Fighter move full north get near the north Bomber. Black Cannon Bomber move two south three east above the mini cannon island, destroy the north east mini cannon. Deploy a Bomber at the north airport.
Max, A-Air and Medium Tank secure the parameter, missile silo infantry retreat full west, both south infantry move north, one of them load into APC, APC fetch them to the the front line. If enemy troops majority air units, deploy a A-Air.
Kanbei, empty Lander move four north, Loaded Lander move full east, north infantry finish capture base, missile silo infantry move one north two east capture city.
Day 11,
Eagle, mini cannon Bomber help Max to clear out some heavy fire power land units (Neo Tank or Medium Tank or Rocket), beware of enemy anti air units. Fighter move full east, avoid mini cannon blasting zone. North west Bomber move full east, fresh deploy Bomber move six north one east, previous Bomber position. All west linked island keep capture neutral buildings, Transport Copter infantry move one north east capture airport.
Max, brings out all south infantry to the front line to capture buildings, use your Medium Tanks and A-Air to hold the line, retreat or combine units if it's critical, deploy a Medium Tank at the middle base.
Kanbei, loaded Lander move full east, empty lander move two east into beach. East injured infantry keep capture city, west infantry move full north east. Deploy a A-Air at the fresh captured base.
Day 12,
Eagle, west linked island infantry move east and keep capture buildings, Transport Copter injured infantry keep capture airport. Bomber near destroyed Black Cannon move four east three south, attack the north west mini cannon from east, Bomber helping Max retreat back to help destroy the mini cannon, west bomber move full east. Deploy a APC.
Max, same as Day 11, brings out all south infantry to the front line to capture buildings, use your Medium Tanks to hold the line, retreat A-Air if it's critical, keep deploy Medium Tank at the middle base. Max will need to hold the line while storing more fire powers.
Kanbei, north infantry move two east to activate missile silo, south infantry finish capture city. Lander with an infantry and A-Air move one east five north. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 13,
Eagle, load an infantry into APC, APC move full east, other infantry move east, Transport Copter infantry finish capture island airport. All Bomber move near the double lane entrance bridge to the Factory, help Max to clear out enemy units.
Max, same as Day 12.
Kanbei, load A-Air and missile silo infantry into Lander, city infantry move two north capture city. Loaded Lander move two east four north, drop infantry west into wood, A-Air south on the beach. Deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 14,
Eagle, island finish capture airport infantry move one south west capture port, other infantry move full east. Bomber run out of fuel retreat west, APC move east to give them supply. Fighter move east and destroy any air units nearby. Bomber keep clear out units on the double lane bridge. Deploy a Bomber on the new capture island airport, deploy a Fighter on the north west linked island airport.
Max, same as Day 12.
kanbei, infantry at Black Cannon island move full north capture neutral base, A-Air move behind him. Empty Lander move four south one east into beach, loaded Lander move six north drop A-Air west and infantry south. Infantry finish capture city, fresh deploy Medium Tank at base move towards Lander, deploy a infantry at the same base.
Day 15,
Eagle, infantry capture buildings, fresh deploy Fighter move full north east towards the double lane bridge, front line Fighter destroy any Air unit in range, enemy Bomber as piority. APC move east, not too near the front line, give supply to any units that run out of fuel. Bomber depress enemy troops and get near the pipeline seem. Deploy a Bomber.
Max, same as Day 12, move all available fire power behind Eagle's Bomber, charge towards enemy Factory
Kanbei, now you will just need to repeatly deploy some A-Air and Medium Tank, fetch it to the Black Cannon island, destroy Black Cannon and mini cannon and dominate that island, not much enemy there while enemy units will concentrate on the entrance bridge, take the advantage to take over the south compound. After destroy the Black Cannon, you can deploy Rocket to attack the pipeline seem from south.
Day 16-24,
Eagle, keep deploy Bomber and charge all to pipeline seem. Put two Fighter at the front line to prevent enemy air units. Destroy anti air units as piority and move towards the pipeline seem. Use CO Super Power to make combo kill more than 6, pump up your Power points.
Max, back eagle up with land units.
Kanbei, same as Day 15.
Predeployed Units:
GE: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 24-25 days.
Power: Make a chain of combo more than 5.(kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine injurded units.
Flak and Adder argue over taking command, but Sturm insists on taking command himself. "You wretches report to the missile platform and assist Lash." They leave, and Sturm is very disappointed with their losses. " When this is finished, I will make...adjustments."
Mission 33: Hot Pursuit
Any three COs vs. Sturm
Difficulty: ******
"CO Select: Attack the Black Hole citadel!"

In this chapter, you will find it more easy with using indirect-combat units, so, we will deploy only Rockets! You can pick CO of your own, i personally suggest Grit, Jess and Andy. Grit will be the striker with Rockets, Jess and Andy will assist from side. Mission start with no pre-deployed units, but you will strat with few cities, means an amount of income will allow you to build more expensive units. When pick CO, choose Grit first to get the middle base, then choose Jess and Andy.
You will need to destroy all three Black Cannon in the middle front. 3 of them protected by pipeline, lasers, mini cannons and some units. the only threat of Sturm units is the Rockets, Missiles and Medium Tanks beside right side laser beam. Others melee units like Medium and Neo Tanks within the Black Cannons compound shouldn't be a problem as long as you didn't break the deepest layer of pipeline seem.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
All team deploy 2 infantry.
Day 2,
Grit, both infantry move full north, deploy another two infantry.
Jess, both infantry move full north east, beware the Laser Cannon blasting zone, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, both infantry move full north west, beware the Laser Cannon blasting zone, deploy a Rocket.
Day 3,
Grit, west fresh deploy infantry move two north one east, east fresh deploy infantry move two north one west, deploy another 2 infantry.
Jess, both infantry move north capture the neutral base along water, Rocket move to the front line, one square beside the end of Laser Cannon and mini cannon blasting zone.
Andy, both infantry move north near the neutral base along water, Rocket move to the front line, one square beside the end of Laser Cannon and mini cannon blasting zone.
Day 4,
Grit, north west infantry move two north one east, north east move two north one west capture the neutral building, all four infantry move north, stay one square south of the capturing infantry. Deploy 2 Rocket.
Jess, finish capture base, Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, start capture neutral base along the water, Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 5,
Grit, all infantry move north capture neutral building, both Rocket move full north.
Jess, enemy Battle Ship in position infantry move out of attack range. Move Rocket to the front line and north Rocket aim the most west mini cannon. Deploy a Rocket.
Andy, finish capture base, move Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 6,
Grit, all infantry continue capture. Both north Rocket attack both mini cannon in the middle, deploy two rocket.
Jess, north Rocket attack most west mini cannon, other Rocket move to front line, deploy a Rocket.
Andy, move all Rocket to the front line.
Day 7,
Grit, destroy both middle mini cannon, both fresh deploy Rocket move full north behind north Rocket. All infantry keep capture, after finish capture front line cities, capture both nearby neutral base, combine the infantry to accelerate capture speed.
Jess , destroy the most west mini cannon. Move all Rocket to the front line, same line to the six Grit's new captured cities.
Andy, move all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket.
Day 8,
Grit, continue capture cities and base, Rockets move into captured north cities, move on Rocket aim the most east mini cannon. Deploy two Rocket.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, infantry at the new captured base move aside, deploy a Rocket at the base along the water. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 9,
Grit, finish capture both base nearby north cities, Rocket at the east attack the most east mini cannon. Move all Rocket to the front line.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 10,
Grit, infantry finish capture middle north base, deploy two Rocket, move all Rocket to the fron line, destroy the most east mini cannon.
Jess, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Andy, group all Rocket to the front line, deploy a Rocket. Do not engage any enemy.
Day 11-15,
All three team's Rockets move north and line up along the first layer pipeline, let Grit's Rocket take the aim for Black Cannon, his extra one attack range can hit the Black Cannon from the first layer pipeline. You will need to destroy only two Black Cannon, weaken the last Black Cannon, do not finish it yet. Keep deploy Rocket as much as possible and fill the front line for all three team. Weaken all Medium Tanks, Neo Tanks in the inner second layer of pipeline to 5-6hp.
Day 16,
Grit park more than 10 Rocket along the first layer pipeline, cast Grit CO Power, rise attack power of Rockets, destroy all weaken tank in the second inner layer of pipeline. Make a chain combo of more than 6. End the turn, Sturm will cast his CO Super Power, watch it.
Day 17-18,
All team combine injurded units, kill the remaining in range units, finish off the last Black Cannon.
Predeployed Units:
Orange Star: None
Blue Moon: None
Green Earth: None
Black Hole: 2 Sub, 2 Cruiser, 2 Battle Ship, 4 Missile, 4 Rocket, 10 Medium Tank, 5 Neo Tank, 4 mini cannon, 2 Laser Cannon, 3 Black Cannon
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 17-18 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can in 1 round with Grit's Rockets ( destory two Black Cannon, low down the damage taken, collect more than 10 units Rocket along the pipeline plus weaken trapped enemy units is the key to maximum combo ).
Technique: Always remember to combine your injurd troops to save points for Technique.
Mission 34: Final Front
Any three COs vs. Sturm
Difficulty: *******
"CO Select: The final conflict! Stop the enemy's missile from launching!"

Final mission, if you score all Rank-S for all previous missions, Rank-A for this mission will not effect the unlock and purchase of Sturm from Hachi. Destroy the Death Ray in 30 days time to win. Choose any three CO, the first choosen will be the middle team, second choosen will locate on the west base and third will take the east base.
General Idea of the strategy:
I suggest you pick the high attack power CO for this mission, you will need to destroy the Death Ray at the north path of the map to win. The middle team will need to deploy as many troops as you can to defend the base also carry the job to distract enemy forces from disturbing both side wings team progress, capture as the building nearby and forget the building on the middle north island, both Black Cannon, Death Ray and major enemy forces will overwhelm you. Both side wing capture as many building as you can, keep deploy Bomber (also some A-Air in case enemy sent some Fighter), when you have more than three, charge north, destroy the Black Cannon, then move north, recommend you to break the pipeline seem to get near Death Ray, if you choose Max and Eagle as your side wing team, a full health Bomber should take out Death Ray in one shot. Keep in mind that you should check out Sturm CO Super Power meter often, avoid gather your troops together, Sturm CO Super Power will kick your @ss hard. I cant find a way to get a Rank S here, Power Points always too low to get high Rank, that's why you should try your best to get Rank-S for all previous mission so that you have a bigger margin to get a average Rank-S.
Predeployed Units:
Orange Star: None
Blue Moon: None
Yellow Comet: None
Green Earth: None
Black Hole: 2 Black Cannon, 6 mini cannon, 1 Death Ray
Rank Points: Try to get Rank above B.
Speed: Finish within 30 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can in 1 round with Grit's Rockets ( destory two Black Cannon, low down the damage taken, focus your fire power to maximum combo ).
Technique: Always remember to combine your injurd troops to save points for Technique.
This is it, full guide for normal campaign, although i still can't figure out a Rank-S strategy for the last mission, i will update the guide as soon as i figure it out, hope this 'home made' guide can help you all, till then.
~ 光之军 ~
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising Normal Campaign Rank-S Guide ( Yellow Comet )
Sonja calls Kanbei over, who was looking for his sock. Sonja is unsure of what the forces have, but she is sure it is all over Wars World. Sonja thinks they're Black Hole forces, but Sensei interrupts that they are hostile. Sensei joins the Yellow Comet Army to aid Sonja who gathers intel and Kanbei who controls Yellow Comet land.
Mission 17: Silo Scramble
Kanbei vs. Flak
Difficulty: **
"Kanbei: Don't lose the missile silos! Secure them and launch!"

After finish up Blue Moon, we now go to Yellow Comet. This is a map full of missile silos, you will need to get a hand on these missile silos before enemy does. Easy warm up for Yellow Comet's CO. Defeat all enemy troops or capture enemy HQ to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
Kanbei has the passive ability of +20% attack and defence to all units, which will cost you another 20% deploy fees.
First, day 1, deploy 2 infantry, west infantry move 3 west, east infantry move south to capture building and launch missile silos within the HQ island. Day 2, create another 2 infantry, first batch west infantry move 3 west, south infantry move south and capture city.
Second, day 3, fresh west infantry move 1 west 2 south to capture city, same time deploy a APC at west base, infentry second batch at east base load in and fetch infantry to the island full of missile silos located in the middle of the map at day 4, infantry keep capture available neutral cities and launch missile silos, deploy a Recon before the end of the day, use it to secure the entrance of the island.
Third, following is APC keep fetching infantry which is done capturing and launch missile silos to the middle island, infantry at the middle island need to capture neutral base first, then deploy tanks or Medium Tanks to march towards enemy HQ. Launch missile silos to weaken enemy while engage with them.
Last, either clear them off with tanks or capture their HQ to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 18-20 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can (secure and utilise missile silos in island located in the middle of map).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 18: Sensei's Return
Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ***
"Sensei: On this quiet beach, the battle is joined...."

This is a Fog Of War map, try out new CO of Yellow Comet, clear all enemy units or capture enemy HQ to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, deploy 2 infantry at day 1. Day 2, move north infantry 3 west, move south infantry 3 east, start capture city. Deploy a Transport Copter and an infantry, end of day 2. Day 3, load the fresh infantry into Transport Copter and unload it at the bay (penisular) above, near the neutral base, west infantry continue move towards western neutral city, east infantry continue capture cities, end of day 3.
Second, Day 4, infantry at penisular capture the neutral base, Transport Copter move south east near the east infantry. East infantry keep on capture cities, west infantry move 3 west and start capture. Deploy a Battle Copter, end of day 4. Day 5, complete all 3 infantry building capture, move Battle Copter to west, cover the western narrow entrence which covered with woods, end of day 5.
Third, Day 6, load east infantry that finish capture 2 cities into long wait Transport Copter, fetch it and unload it to the city located end of penisular. North infantry just finish capture base now move 1 north 1 east start capturing the neutral airport. Deploy a tank at the fresh captured base (middle penisular), eastern infantry and Battle Copter hide inside the woods, wait for incoming enemy's troops, end of day 6.
Forth, Day 7, north infantry finish capture airport, hide tank 3 east into wood, deploy another tank at the same middle base. East infantry just unload from Transport Copter move south east start capture neutral city. Western infantry and Battle Copter engage incoming enemy carefully, end of day 7. Day 8, infantry finish up capture, tank at base move 1 east 2 north, deploy another tank at the same base. Deploy a battle Copter at HQ airport. Western, Engage enemy tank with Battle Copter, infantry hide into woods if injurded, end of day 8.
Fifth, Day 9, hold the western narrow entrance with 2 Battle Copter and 1 infantry. East infantry that finish capture city at the end of penisular, load it into Transport Copter. You should notice enemy charge in penisular now, use your tank engage them. Deploy a Battle Copter at the penisular airport (middle fresh captured airport), end of day 9. Day 10, Clear the enemy units on western narrow entrance and penisular entrance. Deploy a tank (to combine the injurded tank), move your Transport Copter north west, above the penisular airport, end of day 10.
Last, keep deploying tanks and Battle Copters in penisular base and airport, charge into enemy HQ. Clear all enemy troops or capture enemy base to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 16-17 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can (charge into enemy base with land units first before bring in air units).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 19: Show Stopper
Sonja vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Sonja: The enemy stronghold looms ahead. How will Sonja capture it?"

Another Fog Of War missions, do note that Yellow Comet's secret lab mission map lies in South-westernmost neutral city near the beach, capture the building to gain access secret lab mission which you can deploy Neo Tank after complete lab mission. You will need to destroy all 8 mini cannons around the big fotress to win this match.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, Day 1, deploy 3 infantry. Day 2, south west infantry move 3 west, both north infantry move 2 west 1 north, deploy a tank at north west base and a A-Air at the south west base, end of day 2. Day 3, tank move to most north west below the wood located at the T-junction middle of the map, deploy another tank at the same base. Most west infantry move 1 west 2 north, stop at right side of the wood of T-junction. Another north infantry move 1 north 2 west and start capture city. A-Air move west, park near the port, deploy a infantry at the same base. South west infantry move 3 west and start capture the neutral port, end of day 3.
Second, Day 4, move the tank and infantry near the T-junction wood into the woods, hide. Fresh tank at HQ base move into city below the fresh captured city, deploy a A-Air at the same base. All infantry finish up the capture, fresh infantry at south west base move 3 west. Day 5, attack enemy Bomber with A-Air if it's appear within firing range, both south infantry move 1 north 2 west, towards neutral base. Fresh A-Air move north west park near the port first. Other units hold their position. Deploy a tank at north west base, end of day 5.
Third, Day 6, ignore the weaken Bomber, kill all the Battle Copter first with your A-Air, pull out all your tanks and weaken all enemy tanks you can reach. Retreat injurded infantry, other infantry still hold position. Deploy a Medium Tank at north west base and an infantry at the south west base (to combine the injurded infantry), end of day 6. Day 7, use the injurded A-Air to finish off the Bomber, another A-Air attack any infantry or Mech available. Use your Medium Tank and tanks to take out enemy tanks and Recon, end of day 7.
Forth, continue to deploy Medium Tank and take out all enemy that come foward to the middle of the map. Now you need to capture all the neutral base in the middle of map near the fotress. Gather around 3-4 Medium Tanks in the woods and charge the southern part of the fotress first. Careful enemy put a Medium Tank and Rockets around there. When you want to advance into the fotress, move the south west infantry into the moutain, you will notice a Rocket place in the city below the south east mini cannon. Another Rocket place at the most north east enemy city. The third Rocket place at the city cover by the north west mini cannon firing range. Ready up your A-Air because they still have 3 Battle Copters and a Bomber at the western compound, they will charge out when you advance into western compound.
Last, keep deploy Medium Tanks and charge in. Use APC bring in some infantry to capture the secret lab map in most South-western neutral city near the beach. clear all enemy units, destroy all 8 mini cannons to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: 1 Infantry, 2 Mechs, 4 Recon, 2 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 A-Air, 1 APC, 1 T-Copter, 2 Artillery, 4 Rocket, 5 Battle Copter, 2 Bomber
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 21-22 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (careful enemy air and indirect-combat units).
Mission 20: Duty & Honor
Kanbei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Kanbei: Kanbei goes to reclaim a town. The enemy's new weapon awaits."

You will need to rush your units from most south west towards a group of cities located at the most north east of map, to avoid all 10 cities being captured by enemy. Enemy will slow you down with their troops, and a new weapon the laser cannon. This laser cause 5 damage to all target which is in range, it's firing range will be a shape of cross till the end of map. The bad news is both laser cannons cover your main route to cities, good news, it will fire every 2 days start from enemy's day 2, get to the cities, prevent them from being fully capture, clear all enemy troops to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, Day 1, move all Mech 2 east, load both infantry into APC, APC move north east. All tanks also move north east, both Rockets move north using road. Day 2, keep all your units out of laser cannons firing range this day. Rockets keep moving north to destroy the north laser cannon. Park all tanks along the entrance of the road, tanks at front and Medium Tanks follow behind. Destroy incoming Recon. Move as much Mech east into moutain as you can to avoid hit by laser cannon, the one can't make it keep out from firing range. After you end your day 2, by default, enemy will fire the laser cannons.
Second, Day 3, advance all your tanks east into the main and only narrow route to cities, ignore get into enemy troops firing range, you will need to get out from east laser cannon as piority here. Rockets move east to aim north laser cannon. Mechs move north east towards east laser cannon. Day 4, move all your tanks north east into the 'temporary safe zone' and destroy any units nearby, blast the north laser cannon with your Rocket. Mechs keep moving north east towards east laser cannon, you can leave one or two Mechs to engage the incoming tank and artillery from south. Hold other units like APC and Artillery that can't make it at the entrance and keep out of laser cannons firing range cause it will fire again at the end of day 4.
Third, Day 5, move all units into main route and head north east, finish off the north laser cannon with Rocket. Day 6, enemy Medium Tank and tanks will come foward through the bridge from north east, hold all tanks near the bridge, out of laser firing range, all Mechs move near the east laser cannon. Other units proceed moving north east, beware of enemy tank and Artillery come from south, should take them out as soon as possible.
Forth, Day 7, move Mech around east laser cannon and attack. You can heal up abit putting injurded units in own city. All units keep moving north east. Clear out enemy tanks with yours, with Kanbei's passive abilities, you can take out enemy tanks one shot with Medium Tank, cool. Retreat one injurded tank back to west and heal up, later use it to clear out any units left at south west compound. Day 8, you now can finish up the east laser cannon with your Mechs and nearby Rockets. Charge all your tanks into the 10 cities compound. All indirect-combat attack units regroup with your tanks as soon as possible, you will need them. Mechs move north east to assist, do not sacrifice them, do so will low down your Technique points.
Last, Day 9, clear enemy tanks then aim all infantry and Mechs, if 10 cities almost fully capture, aim infantry and Mechs first. The rest is just clear out all enemy troops with lowest casualties. By the way, you can re-capture back the cities with your infantry or Mechs while wiping off enemy troops.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 2 Infantry, 5 Mech, 2 APC, 2 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 2 Tank, 3 Medium Tank
BH: 3 infantry, 3 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 4 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 7 Tank, 3 Medium Tank, 2 Laser Cannon
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 14 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (just be careful to the laser cannons).
Mission 21: A Mirror Darkly
Sonja vs. Lash
Difficulty: ****
"Sonja: Sonja vs. Lash... A meeting of minds!"

Ha! Another tower defence plus Fog Of War mission. You need to prevent all enemy units from touching your HQ, yes, once enemy park any unit at your HQ, you're finish. Kill them all to win. Utilise your Recons, infantry and Mech abilities to get a wide view, clear shot.
General Idea of the strategy:
Nothing much to say here, just put your Rockets and Artillery near the moutain. After get in position, move infantry or Mech into moutain to have a better view, then shoot every single troops in range. Do not move the Rocket that sit in your HQ, this will prevent enemy from touching it, use your tanks to cover it. You can bring out some Mechs to help HQ out, careful not to get killed.
Another advice is use first or second day to put all your units in position, try not relocate them after this. Weakan the Neo Tanks, Medium Tanks and Tanks first, other units like infantry or Mech, do not let them climb over the hill and get near your indirect-combat units.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 5 Mech, 2 Recon, 2 APC, 3 Tank, 4 Artillery, 9 Rocket
BH: 3 Infantry, 3 Mech, 2 Recon, 2 APC, 4 Tank, 9 Medium Tank, 2 Neotanks, 2 Artillery, 2 Rockets, 2 A-Air
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 10-11 days.
Power: Kill all enemy units, try to make a combo.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 22: Sea of Hope
Sami and Kanbei, Sonja, or Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: The enemy lab uncovered. Who is the unexpected ally?"

Timed mission, you need to capture enemy's lab or clear all enemy troops within 18 days. Things become a little bit difficult with the terrians of this map. Land units need to move north travel from an island to an island until most north of map, this will take some time to reach enemy's lab island. The island is protected by mixup heavy weapons like Rockets, Missile, Battle Ships, Medium Tank, Battle Copter and sort on. You will advance towards enemy's lab using both land and air units, with a infantry loaded APC or Transport Copter. You can choose to use sea units, depend on your strategy. You will get some aid from Orange Star CO Sami, with 3 Battle Ships and a Cruiser. Choose any CO, your call.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Yellow Comet, Build three infantry and a T-Copter from eastern airport.
Sami, destroy rocket with two Battle Ships, weaken tank with other one.
Day 2,
Yellow Comet, move South West infantry two east to start capturing city. Move east infantry 2 south start capture airport, deploy a tank at the same south east base. Load the last infantry into Transport Copter, then move 4 north 1 east, stop at the bridge and unload infantry north, at the end of bridge, you can choose either capture airport or port on the following day.
Sami, use three Battle Ships to weaken mech and destroy APC.
Day 3,
Yellow Comet, move tank north to take out weaken Mech, deploy a A-Air at the same south east base. Infantry finish capture airport and neutral city. North infantry capture airport or port (recommend port first, cause enemy Cruiser will try to block your way). Move Transport Copter back to HQ airport.
Sami, use any Battle Ship to destroy nearby units, Battle Ship which don't have target, park a good position to attack next day. Cruiser hold position.
Day 4,
Yellow Comet, now enemy Bomber will attack randomly, either Sami's Battle Ships or Yellow Comet infantry. Infantry continue taking neutral airport and city. Load infantry beside HQ into Transport Copter and unload him at the same place at day 2. Move A-Air towards enemy Bomber. Tank move back to avoid enemy Bomber and Battle Copter, you can use tank to finish off enemy tank if it's still there. Deploy a Battle Copter at the south east airport.
Sami, use Cruiser to take out Battle Copter if it's within firing range. Again Battle Ships attack what ever within range or park at the most north east, line below the city, so that you can secure the bridge entrance.
Day 5,
Move Transport Copter east near the east infantry, while east infantry finish capture city. Move tank and Battle Copter north. Engage enemy Bomber with A-Air. North infantry continue capture, if died use the new arrived infantry. Make another A-Air or Infantry if you feel there's a need.
Sami, secure the bridge entrance and try to eliminate enemy units on the island.
Day 6,
Yellow Comet, finish off Bomber with A-Air, infantry continue capture building on the island. East infantry finish capture load into Transport Copter. Transport Copter, Battle Copter and tank move towards lab. Deploy a Bomber at south east airport if not Battle Copter, but you will need at least 1 Bomber.
Sami, same like day 5, suppress remain units on the island while secure the bridge entrance. Note that enemy Battle Ship incoming.
Day 7,
Move all air units north along the east path secured by Sami's Battle Ship. Infantry in the island capture remaining building. Move A-Air towards lab. Deploy more battle Copter.
Sami, continue suppress and secure all enemy units that stuck on the island.
Day 8 until Day 18
Yellow Comet, keep deploy Battle Copter and Bomber, move all air units towards lab using eastern path secured by Sami. Clear as many units as you can and Transport Copter bring foward a infantry to capture enemy's lab before Day 18th.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
OS: 3 Battle Ship, 1 Cruiser
BH: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Recon, 2 APC, 2 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Artillery, 4 Rockets, 2 Missile, 2 A-Air, 1 Bomber, 1 Battle Copter, 2 Battle Ship, 2 Cruiser, 3 Sub, 1 Lander
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 18 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 23: Foul Play
Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Sensei: A peace offering? What does Black Hole really want?"

Your HQ will start with a large group of enemy forces in a same compound which located in the west middle of map, enemy forces sit above your HQ. Good news you got reinforcement at the most south west conner, bad news is you're being block by 4 layer of pipeline. You will need to destroy enemy's all 3 mini cannons to win this match. A comment here about Sensei's CO power which will raise attack power of Battle Copter, the same time summon a 9hp infantry or Mech in each captured city, use it wisely if not all the 9hp infantry or Mech will hech by enemy's heavy weapon in 1 shot, this will bring down you Technique points drastically.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, south group, move all Bomber and Battle Copter north east, below the city along the first layer pipeline. Infanty on the road move two east start capture city, same as Transport Copter on the road, move east between the city. Other 2 infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter fetch and unload at the city along the first layer of pipeline.
HQ group, attack the pipeline seem with Artillery and Medium Tank.
Day 2, south group, kill the A-Air, Medium Tank and Infantry that come near, no need to clear off enemy in this compound, just hold the line and concentrate breaking the first layer right hand side pipeline seem, mean time capture some buildings to raise funds for HQ defence, units that can hurt air units mark as piority target.
HQ group, attack the inner layer pipeline seem just now with Artillery first, after the first inner pipeline seem destroy, move Medium Tank 2 south to attack second inner layer pipeline seem. Deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 3, south group, continue decimate incoming enemy forces while breaking the first outer layer pipeline seem, all 3 infantry continue capture building, move available units into second outer layer to break the left hand side pipeline seem. Try to kill the Mech to prevent him launching missile silo.
HQ group, park your Artillery below HQ, pull back Medium Tank in the inner second layer of pipeline back into HQ, attack any units that is within firing range of your Medium Tank and Tank. Deploy another Medium Tank before the end of day.
Day 4, south group, move all air units around the entrance of second layer outer pipeline, attack the left hand site pipeline seem to connect through the entrance made by Medium Tank just now. Infantry finish capture city along the first layer pipeline load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter be ready to get in together. South infantry finish the capture.
HQ group, retreat back all units and gather up around HQ, deploy another Medium Tank and end the day. We will waste them one by one.
Day 5, south group, break the second outer layer pipeline seem, then bring in another Bomber to break the last layer pipeline seem which has been weaken by Medium Tank at the begining. Now you can bring in all air units to back HQ up. Two Transport Copter around first layer pipeline now go drop infantry off at the neutral airport and base below HQ, capture it. Most south infantry which just finish capture load into Transport Copter and head most east, drop infantry east and capture the neutral airport.
HQ group, charge in and kill the enemy troops, careful don't make too many casualties.
Day 6, infantry complete the capture, retreat all injurded land units to avoid Technique points deduction. Clear all enemy heavy weapons with your air units, careful do not let them capture your HQ. Deploy a Neo Tank to defence if you want.
Day 7-10, do not cross the 10th day or all your Bomber will crash cause by running out of fuel. While defence HQ, sent all Bomber to destroy all 3 mini cannons before their feul run out carash and win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 3 Infantry, 3 Transport Copter, 3 Battle Copter, 5 Bomber
BH: 3 Infantry, 4 Mech, 2 APC, 1 Recon, 6 Tank, 3 A-Air, 6 Medium Tank, 1 Neotank, 3 Artillery, 4 Rocket, 3 Missile
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 10-11 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (bring in air units as soon as possible because you will need their fire power, also to avoid all air unit crash cause by running out of fuel).
Mission 24: The Hunt's End
YC CO and OS/BM CO vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: The final battle is at hand! Destroy the factory pipe!"

Here you can tag team with a CO either from Blue Moon or Orange Star. I suggest Orange Star Max cause this is a "destroy the target" mission, push up or down to change between Orange Star or Blue Moon. You will need to destroy the only pipeline seem which located at the most north of map, same island with Black Hole factory to win. You can choose to attack with land units, using east route, a long route, or air strike, nearer but defence by 5 mini cannons, 1 in front of the pipeline seem, 4 at a small island near the seem. Using Max shouldn't be a problem cause you can one shot kill them with a full health Bomber. You will need to restart if enemy attack your teammate at the islan, refer Day 5.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Yellow Comet, deploy 3 infantry.
Orange Star, deploy a infantry.
Day 2,
Yellow Comet, both east infantry move 3 east, deploy a APC at the north east base and a infantry at the south east base, north west infantry load into fresh deploy APC.
Orange Star, infantry capture the neutral base, deploy another infantry.
Day 3,
Yellow Comet, both east infantry move 3 east, APC move east, towards the neutral base, east of your port. West infantry move 2 east start capture city. Deploy a tank at south east base.
Orange Star, fresh infantry move 3 north, east infantry finish capture base. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 4,
Yellow Comet, west infantry finish capture city, north east infantry move one east two south start capture city, south east infantry, A-Air and APC moving east.
Orange Star, both infantry capture the other two neutral building on the island. Tank move 2 north.
Day 5,
Yellow Comet, west infantry that finish capture move two east capture another city, infantry in the middle finish the capture, east infantry capture the neutral base. A-Air move most north east, prepare to engage the incoming Battle Copter, don't go into enemy Battle Ship firing range (if enemy's Battle Ship take aim at your teammate island base, you will need to restart this mission, you will hardly gain pogress with a Battle Ship decimate your units every round). APC move most east and drop infantry north. Deploy another A-Air at HQ south east base.
Orange Star, both infantry finish up capture.
Day 6,
Yellow Comet, APC move back west. Infantry finish up capture and middle infantry move one north two east load into APC. Both A-Air get near enemy Battle Copter. East infantry which unload from APC move north east capture the neutral base (even he's injurded).
Orange Star, infantry at the fresh captured port move out, deploy a Lander, load tank and a infantry into Lander.
Day 7,
Yellow Comet, infantry complete capture east base, infantry in the middle move 3 east capture neutral city, west infantry move east. West A-Air move east, east A-Air do not go into woods, stay near the plains near the fresh captured base to hold the line. APC hold position.
Orange Star, Lander move one east four north, land the tank and infantry. Hide the infantry on the island in HQ, if enemy Battle Ship aiming your base.
Day 8,
Yellow Comet, destroy enemy Battle Copter with A-Air, move infantry in the most east base two south into the moutain, deploy a Medium Tank at the same most east base. West infantry move east, middle infantry continue capture. APC hold position.
Orange Star, north infantry capture the airport, tank move into the bridge to secure the entrance. If enemy Battle Ship camp at your base, then leave your infantry at HQ, end the day.
Day 9,
Yellow Comet, roll your Medium Tank and start taking out some enemy units. Deploy another Medium Tank at the same most east base. A-Air get near advancing Medium Tank to engage enemy Battle Copters. Infantry complete capture building. Other units hold position.
Orange Star, finish capture airport, tank attack any units within the bridge. Critical units try to move out of enemy Battle Ship firing range.
Day 10,
Yellow Comet, kill all units within range with your A-Air and Medium Tanks, deploy another Medium Tank at the same most east base. Infantry and APC hold position.
Orange Star, if enemy Battle Ship move foward, firing range cover your HQ and units at the north west beach, move infantry that finish capture airport back into Lander, Lander move beside Battle Ship (Battle Ship cannot attack 1 square around it), critical that manage avoid getting killed move back into HQ, deploy a Bomber and two infantry at HQ base.
Day 11,
Yellow Comet, combine any injurded units, keep clearing enemy troops, deploy a A-Air at the same most east base. APC move east to two cities at the most east.
Orange Star, pay back to enemy Battle Ship with your Bomber, tank continue secure the entrence, lander unload infantry back to the airport island, infantry at HQ move near the port.
Day 12,
Yellow Comet, continue killing, enemy troops should be almost clean up by now, move infantry and APC east to capture enemy captured cities. Deploy a Medium Tank at the most east base.
Orange Star, finish off the Battle Ship, tank retreat back if any indirect-combat units arrive. North infantry start capture city, Lander move back to HQ port, infantry at HQ load into it.
Day 13,
Yellow Comet, leave one A-Air back near base to avoid any enemy Transport Copters brings in infantry, if there aren't any, move to front line towards enemy base, your choice. Move all Medium Tank towards enemy base through bridge at the most east of map. infantry and APC move east to capture cities. Deploy a Medium Tank at the same most east base.
Orange Star, Lander move most east south along the middle island beach, unload both infantry, north one in the moutain, east one on the beach. Infantry at north island continue capture, tank keep blocking the entrance. Deploy another Bomber if you have enough funds (should have if you following the guide so far).
Day 14,
Yellow Comet, all Medium Tanks slowly march towards enemy's factory while clear off all nearby troops, infantry start capture most south east cities, deploy a infantry at the most east base.
Orange Star, Middle island, north infantry move two north capture neutral port, east infantry move two east capture neutral city, Lander move back to HQ port. Airport island infantry capture the last neutral city on the north island. Sink enemy Sub with Bomber when it's near. Fresh deploy Bomber move most east along the bridge.
Day 15,
Yellow Comet, continue march into enemy factory, if there's enemy Battle Ship guarding, hold position. Deploy a Sub. Fresh infantry move towards the most east cities.
Orange Star, infantry capture all available cities, Bomber move east along the bridge, clear all enemy units along the way.
Day 16-,
Yellow Comet, use your Sub to sink all the Battle Ships. Deploy more Medium Tanks and slowly charge towards enemy factory. Crash enemy factory pipeline seem either Yellow Comet land units or Orange Star air units, depend who reach there more faster.
Orange star, keep deploy Bomber, get to the moutains along the pipeline which out of mini cannons firing range, clearing enemy land units and stand-by (kill the A-Air first if any get near). Take out two north out of four binding mini cannons, you will have a clear path at northern map from airport to pipeline seem. bring in 2-3 Bomber to take out the pipeline seem and mini cannon which guarding it.
While advance your troops towards enemy factory, try to make a chain of combo more than 5 (kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day) to earn enough Power points for Rank S.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BM/OS: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 280-290 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 20-21 days.
Power: Make a chain of combo more than 5.(kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Yellow Comet Campaign Finish! Next Chapter We Will Continue With Green Earth + Black Hole Campaign Guide
~ 光之军 ~
Sonja calls Kanbei over, who was looking for his sock. Sonja is unsure of what the forces have, but she is sure it is all over Wars World. Sonja thinks they're Black Hole forces, but Sensei interrupts that they are hostile. Sensei joins the Yellow Comet Army to aid Sonja who gathers intel and Kanbei who controls Yellow Comet land.
Mission 17: Silo Scramble
Kanbei vs. Flak
Difficulty: **
"Kanbei: Don't lose the missile silos! Secure them and launch!"

After finish up Blue Moon, we now go to Yellow Comet. This is a map full of missile silos, you will need to get a hand on these missile silos before enemy does. Easy warm up for Yellow Comet's CO. Defeat all enemy troops or capture enemy HQ to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
Kanbei has the passive ability of +20% attack and defence to all units, which will cost you another 20% deploy fees.
First, day 1, deploy 2 infantry, west infantry move 3 west, east infantry move south to capture building and launch missile silos within the HQ island. Day 2, create another 2 infantry, first batch west infantry move 3 west, south infantry move south and capture city.
Second, day 3, fresh west infantry move 1 west 2 south to capture city, same time deploy a APC at west base, infentry second batch at east base load in and fetch infantry to the island full of missile silos located in the middle of the map at day 4, infantry keep capture available neutral cities and launch missile silos, deploy a Recon before the end of the day, use it to secure the entrance of the island.
Third, following is APC keep fetching infantry which is done capturing and launch missile silos to the middle island, infantry at the middle island need to capture neutral base first, then deploy tanks or Medium Tanks to march towards enemy HQ. Launch missile silos to weaken enemy while engage with them.
Last, either clear them off with tanks or capture their HQ to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 18-20 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can (secure and utilise missile silos in island located in the middle of map).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 18: Sensei's Return
Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ***
"Sensei: On this quiet beach, the battle is joined...."

This is a Fog Of War map, try out new CO of Yellow Comet, clear all enemy units or capture enemy HQ to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, deploy 2 infantry at day 1. Day 2, move north infantry 3 west, move south infantry 3 east, start capture city. Deploy a Transport Copter and an infantry, end of day 2. Day 3, load the fresh infantry into Transport Copter and unload it at the bay (penisular) above, near the neutral base, west infantry continue move towards western neutral city, east infantry continue capture cities, end of day 3.
Second, Day 4, infantry at penisular capture the neutral base, Transport Copter move south east near the east infantry. East infantry keep on capture cities, west infantry move 3 west and start capture. Deploy a Battle Copter, end of day 4. Day 5, complete all 3 infantry building capture, move Battle Copter to west, cover the western narrow entrence which covered with woods, end of day 5.
Third, Day 6, load east infantry that finish capture 2 cities into long wait Transport Copter, fetch it and unload it to the city located end of penisular. North infantry just finish capture base now move 1 north 1 east start capturing the neutral airport. Deploy a tank at the fresh captured base (middle penisular), eastern infantry and Battle Copter hide inside the woods, wait for incoming enemy's troops, end of day 6.
Forth, Day 7, north infantry finish capture airport, hide tank 3 east into wood, deploy another tank at the same middle base. East infantry just unload from Transport Copter move south east start capture neutral city. Western infantry and Battle Copter engage incoming enemy carefully, end of day 7. Day 8, infantry finish up capture, tank at base move 1 east 2 north, deploy another tank at the same base. Deploy a battle Copter at HQ airport. Western, Engage enemy tank with Battle Copter, infantry hide into woods if injurded, end of day 8.
Fifth, Day 9, hold the western narrow entrance with 2 Battle Copter and 1 infantry. East infantry that finish capture city at the end of penisular, load it into Transport Copter. You should notice enemy charge in penisular now, use your tank engage them. Deploy a Battle Copter at the penisular airport (middle fresh captured airport), end of day 9. Day 10, Clear the enemy units on western narrow entrance and penisular entrance. Deploy a tank (to combine the injurded tank), move your Transport Copter north west, above the penisular airport, end of day 10.
Last, keep deploying tanks and Battle Copters in penisular base and airport, charge into enemy HQ. Clear all enemy troops or capture enemy base to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 16-17 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can (charge into enemy base with land units first before bring in air units).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 19: Show Stopper
Sonja vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Sonja: The enemy stronghold looms ahead. How will Sonja capture it?"

Another Fog Of War missions, do note that Yellow Comet's secret lab mission map lies in South-westernmost neutral city near the beach, capture the building to gain access secret lab mission which you can deploy Neo Tank after complete lab mission. You will need to destroy all 8 mini cannons around the big fotress to win this match.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, Day 1, deploy 3 infantry. Day 2, south west infantry move 3 west, both north infantry move 2 west 1 north, deploy a tank at north west base and a A-Air at the south west base, end of day 2. Day 3, tank move to most north west below the wood located at the T-junction middle of the map, deploy another tank at the same base. Most west infantry move 1 west 2 north, stop at right side of the wood of T-junction. Another north infantry move 1 north 2 west and start capture city. A-Air move west, park near the port, deploy a infantry at the same base. South west infantry move 3 west and start capture the neutral port, end of day 3.
Second, Day 4, move the tank and infantry near the T-junction wood into the woods, hide. Fresh tank at HQ base move into city below the fresh captured city, deploy a A-Air at the same base. All infantry finish up the capture, fresh infantry at south west base move 3 west. Day 5, attack enemy Bomber with A-Air if it's appear within firing range, both south infantry move 1 north 2 west, towards neutral base. Fresh A-Air move north west park near the port first. Other units hold their position. Deploy a tank at north west base, end of day 5.
Third, Day 6, ignore the weaken Bomber, kill all the Battle Copter first with your A-Air, pull out all your tanks and weaken all enemy tanks you can reach. Retreat injurded infantry, other infantry still hold position. Deploy a Medium Tank at north west base and an infantry at the south west base (to combine the injurded infantry), end of day 6. Day 7, use the injurded A-Air to finish off the Bomber, another A-Air attack any infantry or Mech available. Use your Medium Tank and tanks to take out enemy tanks and Recon, end of day 7.
Forth, continue to deploy Medium Tank and take out all enemy that come foward to the middle of the map. Now you need to capture all the neutral base in the middle of map near the fotress. Gather around 3-4 Medium Tanks in the woods and charge the southern part of the fotress first. Careful enemy put a Medium Tank and Rockets around there. When you want to advance into the fotress, move the south west infantry into the moutain, you will notice a Rocket place in the city below the south east mini cannon. Another Rocket place at the most north east enemy city. The third Rocket place at the city cover by the north west mini cannon firing range. Ready up your A-Air because they still have 3 Battle Copters and a Bomber at the western compound, they will charge out when you advance into western compound.
Last, keep deploy Medium Tanks and charge in. Use APC bring in some infantry to capture the secret lab map in most South-western neutral city near the beach. clear all enemy units, destroy all 8 mini cannons to win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BH: 1 Infantry, 2 Mechs, 4 Recon, 2 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 A-Air, 1 APC, 1 T-Copter, 2 Artillery, 4 Rocket, 5 Battle Copter, 2 Bomber
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish in 21-22 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (careful enemy air and indirect-combat units).
Mission 20: Duty & Honor
Kanbei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Kanbei: Kanbei goes to reclaim a town. The enemy's new weapon awaits."

You will need to rush your units from most south west towards a group of cities located at the most north east of map, to avoid all 10 cities being captured by enemy. Enemy will slow you down with their troops, and a new weapon the laser cannon. This laser cause 5 damage to all target which is in range, it's firing range will be a shape of cross till the end of map. The bad news is both laser cannons cover your main route to cities, good news, it will fire every 2 days start from enemy's day 2, get to the cities, prevent them from being fully capture, clear all enemy troops to win.
General Idea of the strategy:
First, Day 1, move all Mech 2 east, load both infantry into APC, APC move north east. All tanks also move north east, both Rockets move north using road. Day 2, keep all your units out of laser cannons firing range this day. Rockets keep moving north to destroy the north laser cannon. Park all tanks along the entrance of the road, tanks at front and Medium Tanks follow behind. Destroy incoming Recon. Move as much Mech east into moutain as you can to avoid hit by laser cannon, the one can't make it keep out from firing range. After you end your day 2, by default, enemy will fire the laser cannons.
Second, Day 3, advance all your tanks east into the main and only narrow route to cities, ignore get into enemy troops firing range, you will need to get out from east laser cannon as piority here. Rockets move east to aim north laser cannon. Mechs move north east towards east laser cannon. Day 4, move all your tanks north east into the 'temporary safe zone' and destroy any units nearby, blast the north laser cannon with your Rocket. Mechs keep moving north east towards east laser cannon, you can leave one or two Mechs to engage the incoming tank and artillery from south. Hold other units like APC and Artillery that can't make it at the entrance and keep out of laser cannons firing range cause it will fire again at the end of day 4.
Third, Day 5, move all units into main route and head north east, finish off the north laser cannon with Rocket. Day 6, enemy Medium Tank and tanks will come foward through the bridge from north east, hold all tanks near the bridge, out of laser firing range, all Mechs move near the east laser cannon. Other units proceed moving north east, beware of enemy tank and Artillery come from south, should take them out as soon as possible.
Forth, Day 7, move Mech around east laser cannon and attack. You can heal up abit putting injurded units in own city. All units keep moving north east. Clear out enemy tanks with yours, with Kanbei's passive abilities, you can take out enemy tanks one shot with Medium Tank, cool. Retreat one injurded tank back to west and heal up, later use it to clear out any units left at south west compound. Day 8, you now can finish up the east laser cannon with your Mechs and nearby Rockets. Charge all your tanks into the 10 cities compound. All indirect-combat attack units regroup with your tanks as soon as possible, you will need them. Mechs move north east to assist, do not sacrifice them, do so will low down your Technique points.
Last, Day 9, clear enemy tanks then aim all infantry and Mechs, if 10 cities almost fully capture, aim infantry and Mechs first. The rest is just clear out all enemy troops with lowest casualties. By the way, you can re-capture back the cities with your infantry or Mechs while wiping off enemy troops.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 2 Infantry, 5 Mech, 2 APC, 2 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 2 Tank, 3 Medium Tank
BH: 3 infantry, 3 Mech, 1 APC, 1 Recon, 4 Artillery, 2 Rocket, 7 Tank, 3 Medium Tank, 2 Laser Cannon
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 14 days time.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (just be careful to the laser cannons).
Mission 21: A Mirror Darkly
Sonja vs. Lash
Difficulty: ****
"Sonja: Sonja vs. Lash... A meeting of minds!"

Ha! Another tower defence plus Fog Of War mission. You need to prevent all enemy units from touching your HQ, yes, once enemy park any unit at your HQ, you're finish. Kill them all to win. Utilise your Recons, infantry and Mech abilities to get a wide view, clear shot.
General Idea of the strategy:
Nothing much to say here, just put your Rockets and Artillery near the moutain. After get in position, move infantry or Mech into moutain to have a better view, then shoot every single troops in range. Do not move the Rocket that sit in your HQ, this will prevent enemy from touching it, use your tanks to cover it. You can bring out some Mechs to help HQ out, careful not to get killed.
Another advice is use first or second day to put all your units in position, try not relocate them after this. Weakan the Neo Tanks, Medium Tanks and Tanks first, other units like infantry or Mech, do not let them climb over the hill and get near your indirect-combat units.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 5 Mech, 2 Recon, 2 APC, 3 Tank, 4 Artillery, 9 Rocket
BH: 3 Infantry, 3 Mech, 2 Recon, 2 APC, 4 Tank, 9 Medium Tank, 2 Neotanks, 2 Artillery, 2 Rockets, 2 A-Air
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 10-11 days.
Power: Kill all enemy units, try to make a combo.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 22: Sea of Hope
Sami and Kanbei, Sonja, or Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: The enemy lab uncovered. Who is the unexpected ally?"

Timed mission, you need to capture enemy's lab or clear all enemy troops within 18 days. Things become a little bit difficult with the terrians of this map. Land units need to move north travel from an island to an island until most north of map, this will take some time to reach enemy's lab island. The island is protected by mixup heavy weapons like Rockets, Missile, Battle Ships, Medium Tank, Battle Copter and sort on. You will advance towards enemy's lab using both land and air units, with a infantry loaded APC or Transport Copter. You can choose to use sea units, depend on your strategy. You will get some aid from Orange Star CO Sami, with 3 Battle Ships and a Cruiser. Choose any CO, your call.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Yellow Comet, Build three infantry and a T-Copter from eastern airport.
Sami, destroy rocket with two Battle Ships, weaken tank with other one.
Day 2,
Yellow Comet, move South West infantry two east to start capturing city. Move east infantry 2 south start capture airport, deploy a tank at the same south east base. Load the last infantry into Transport Copter, then move 4 north 1 east, stop at the bridge and unload infantry north, at the end of bridge, you can choose either capture airport or port on the following day.
Sami, use three Battle Ships to weaken mech and destroy APC.
Day 3,
Yellow Comet, move tank north to take out weaken Mech, deploy a A-Air at the same south east base. Infantry finish capture airport and neutral city. North infantry capture airport or port (recommend port first, cause enemy Cruiser will try to block your way). Move Transport Copter back to HQ airport.
Sami, use any Battle Ship to destroy nearby units, Battle Ship which don't have target, park a good position to attack next day. Cruiser hold position.
Day 4,
Yellow Comet, now enemy Bomber will attack randomly, either Sami's Battle Ships or Yellow Comet infantry. Infantry continue taking neutral airport and city. Load infantry beside HQ into Transport Copter and unload him at the same place at day 2. Move A-Air towards enemy Bomber. Tank move back to avoid enemy Bomber and Battle Copter, you can use tank to finish off enemy tank if it's still there. Deploy a Battle Copter at the south east airport.
Sami, use Cruiser to take out Battle Copter if it's within firing range. Again Battle Ships attack what ever within range or park at the most north east, line below the city, so that you can secure the bridge entrance.
Day 5,
Move Transport Copter east near the east infantry, while east infantry finish capture city. Move tank and Battle Copter north. Engage enemy Bomber with A-Air. North infantry continue capture, if died use the new arrived infantry. Make another A-Air or Infantry if you feel there's a need.
Sami, secure the bridge entrance and try to eliminate enemy units on the island.
Day 6,
Yellow Comet, finish off Bomber with A-Air, infantry continue capture building on the island. East infantry finish capture load into Transport Copter. Transport Copter, Battle Copter and tank move towards lab. Deploy a Bomber at south east airport if not Battle Copter, but you will need at least 1 Bomber.
Sami, same like day 5, suppress remain units on the island while secure the bridge entrance. Note that enemy Battle Ship incoming.
Day 7,
Move all air units north along the east path secured by Sami's Battle Ship. Infantry in the island capture remaining building. Move A-Air towards lab. Deploy more battle Copter.
Sami, continue suppress and secure all enemy units that stuck on the island.
Day 8 until Day 18
Yellow Comet, keep deploy Battle Copter and Bomber, move all air units towards lab using eastern path secured by Sami. Clear as many units as you can and Transport Copter bring foward a infantry to capture enemy's lab before Day 18th.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
OS: 3 Battle Ship, 1 Cruiser
BH: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Recon, 2 APC, 2 Tank, 1 Medium Tank, 1 Artillery, 4 Rockets, 2 Missile, 2 A-Air, 1 Bomber, 1 Battle Copter, 2 Battle Ship, 2 Cruiser, 3 Sub, 1 Lander
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Just make sure you finish within 18 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Mission 23: Foul Play
Sensei vs. Adder
Difficulty: ****
"Sensei: A peace offering? What does Black Hole really want?"

Your HQ will start with a large group of enemy forces in a same compound which located in the west middle of map, enemy forces sit above your HQ. Good news you got reinforcement at the most south west conner, bad news is you're being block by 4 layer of pipeline. You will need to destroy enemy's all 3 mini cannons to win this match. A comment here about Sensei's CO power which will raise attack power of Battle Copter, the same time summon a 9hp infantry or Mech in each captured city, use it wisely if not all the 9hp infantry or Mech will hech by enemy's heavy weapon in 1 shot, this will bring down you Technique points drastically.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1, south group, move all Bomber and Battle Copter north east, below the city along the first layer pipeline. Infanty on the road move two east start capture city, same as Transport Copter on the road, move east between the city. Other 2 infantry load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter fetch and unload at the city along the first layer of pipeline.
HQ group, attack the pipeline seem with Artillery and Medium Tank.
Day 2, south group, kill the A-Air, Medium Tank and Infantry that come near, no need to clear off enemy in this compound, just hold the line and concentrate breaking the first layer right hand side pipeline seem, mean time capture some buildings to raise funds for HQ defence, units that can hurt air units mark as piority target.
HQ group, attack the inner layer pipeline seem just now with Artillery first, after the first inner pipeline seem destroy, move Medium Tank 2 south to attack second inner layer pipeline seem. Deploy a Medium Tank.
Day 3, south group, continue decimate incoming enemy forces while breaking the first outer layer pipeline seem, all 3 infantry continue capture building, move available units into second outer layer to break the left hand side pipeline seem. Try to kill the Mech to prevent him launching missile silo.
HQ group, park your Artillery below HQ, pull back Medium Tank in the inner second layer of pipeline back into HQ, attack any units that is within firing range of your Medium Tank and Tank. Deploy another Medium Tank before the end of day.
Day 4, south group, move all air units around the entrance of second layer outer pipeline, attack the left hand site pipeline seem to connect through the entrance made by Medium Tank just now. Infantry finish capture city along the first layer pipeline load into Transport Copter, Transport Copter be ready to get in together. South infantry finish the capture.
HQ group, retreat back all units and gather up around HQ, deploy another Medium Tank and end the day. We will waste them one by one.
Day 5, south group, break the second outer layer pipeline seem, then bring in another Bomber to break the last layer pipeline seem which has been weaken by Medium Tank at the begining. Now you can bring in all air units to back HQ up. Two Transport Copter around first layer pipeline now go drop infantry off at the neutral airport and base below HQ, capture it. Most south infantry which just finish capture load into Transport Copter and head most east, drop infantry east and capture the neutral airport.
HQ group, charge in and kill the enemy troops, careful don't make too many casualties.
Day 6, infantry complete the capture, retreat all injurded land units to avoid Technique points deduction. Clear all enemy heavy weapons with your air units, careful do not let them capture your HQ. Deploy a Neo Tank to defence if you want.
Day 7-10, do not cross the 10th day or all your Bomber will crash cause by running out of fuel. While defence HQ, sent all Bomber to destroy all 3 mini cannons before their feul run out carash and win.
Predeployed Units:
YC: 3 Infantry, 3 Transport Copter, 3 Battle Copter, 5 Bomber
BH: 3 Infantry, 4 Mech, 2 APC, 1 Recon, 6 Tank, 3 A-Air, 6 Medium Tank, 1 Neotank, 3 Artillery, 4 Rocket, 3 Missile
Rank Points: 290-300 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 10-11 days.
Power: Kill as many troops as you can.
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd (bring in air units as soon as possible because you will need their fire power, also to avoid all air unit crash cause by running out of fuel).
Mission 24: The Hunt's End
YC CO and OS/BM CO vs. Adder
Difficulty: *****
"CO Select: The final battle is at hand! Destroy the factory pipe!"

Here you can tag team with a CO either from Blue Moon or Orange Star. I suggest Orange Star Max cause this is a "destroy the target" mission, push up or down to change between Orange Star or Blue Moon. You will need to destroy the only pipeline seem which located at the most north of map, same island with Black Hole factory to win. You can choose to attack with land units, using east route, a long route, or air strike, nearer but defence by 5 mini cannons, 1 in front of the pipeline seem, 4 at a small island near the seem. Using Max shouldn't be a problem cause you can one shot kill them with a full health Bomber. You will need to restart if enemy attack your teammate at the islan, refer Day 5.
General Idea of the strategy:
Day 1,
Yellow Comet, deploy 3 infantry.
Orange Star, deploy a infantry.
Day 2,
Yellow Comet, both east infantry move 3 east, deploy a APC at the north east base and a infantry at the south east base, north west infantry load into fresh deploy APC.
Orange Star, infantry capture the neutral base, deploy another infantry.
Day 3,
Yellow Comet, both east infantry move 3 east, APC move east, towards the neutral base, east of your port. West infantry move 2 east start capture city. Deploy a tank at south east base.
Orange Star, fresh infantry move 3 north, east infantry finish capture base. Deploy a A-Air.
Day 4,
Yellow Comet, west infantry finish capture city, north east infantry move one east two south start capture city, south east infantry, A-Air and APC moving east.
Orange Star, both infantry capture the other two neutral building on the island. Tank move 2 north.
Day 5,
Yellow Comet, west infantry that finish capture move two east capture another city, infantry in the middle finish the capture, east infantry capture the neutral base. A-Air move most north east, prepare to engage the incoming Battle Copter, don't go into enemy Battle Ship firing range (if enemy's Battle Ship take aim at your teammate island base, you will need to restart this mission, you will hardly gain pogress with a Battle Ship decimate your units every round). APC move most east and drop infantry north. Deploy another A-Air at HQ south east base.
Orange Star, both infantry finish up capture.
Day 6,
Yellow Comet, APC move back west. Infantry finish up capture and middle infantry move one north two east load into APC. Both A-Air get near enemy Battle Copter. East infantry which unload from APC move north east capture the neutral base (even he's injurded).
Orange Star, infantry at the fresh captured port move out, deploy a Lander, load tank and a infantry into Lander.
Day 7,
Yellow Comet, infantry complete capture east base, infantry in the middle move 3 east capture neutral city, west infantry move east. West A-Air move east, east A-Air do not go into woods, stay near the plains near the fresh captured base to hold the line. APC hold position.
Orange Star, Lander move one east four north, land the tank and infantry. Hide the infantry on the island in HQ, if enemy Battle Ship aiming your base.
Day 8,
Yellow Comet, destroy enemy Battle Copter with A-Air, move infantry in the most east base two south into the moutain, deploy a Medium Tank at the same most east base. West infantry move east, middle infantry continue capture. APC hold position.
Orange Star, north infantry capture the airport, tank move into the bridge to secure the entrance. If enemy Battle Ship camp at your base, then leave your infantry at HQ, end the day.
Day 9,
Yellow Comet, roll your Medium Tank and start taking out some enemy units. Deploy another Medium Tank at the same most east base. A-Air get near advancing Medium Tank to engage enemy Battle Copters. Infantry complete capture building. Other units hold position.
Orange Star, finish capture airport, tank attack any units within the bridge. Critical units try to move out of enemy Battle Ship firing range.
Day 10,
Yellow Comet, kill all units within range with your A-Air and Medium Tanks, deploy another Medium Tank at the same most east base. Infantry and APC hold position.
Orange Star, if enemy Battle Ship move foward, firing range cover your HQ and units at the north west beach, move infantry that finish capture airport back into Lander, Lander move beside Battle Ship (Battle Ship cannot attack 1 square around it), critical that manage avoid getting killed move back into HQ, deploy a Bomber and two infantry at HQ base.
Day 11,
Yellow Comet, combine any injurded units, keep clearing enemy troops, deploy a A-Air at the same most east base. APC move east to two cities at the most east.
Orange Star, pay back to enemy Battle Ship with your Bomber, tank continue secure the entrence, lander unload infantry back to the airport island, infantry at HQ move near the port.
Day 12,
Yellow Comet, continue killing, enemy troops should be almost clean up by now, move infantry and APC east to capture enemy captured cities. Deploy a Medium Tank at the most east base.
Orange Star, finish off the Battle Ship, tank retreat back if any indirect-combat units arrive. North infantry start capture city, Lander move back to HQ port, infantry at HQ load into it.
Day 13,
Yellow Comet, leave one A-Air back near base to avoid any enemy Transport Copters brings in infantry, if there aren't any, move to front line towards enemy base, your choice. Move all Medium Tank towards enemy base through bridge at the most east of map. infantry and APC move east to capture cities. Deploy a Medium Tank at the same most east base.
Orange Star, Lander move most east south along the middle island beach, unload both infantry, north one in the moutain, east one on the beach. Infantry at north island continue capture, tank keep blocking the entrance. Deploy another Bomber if you have enough funds (should have if you following the guide so far).
Day 14,
Yellow Comet, all Medium Tanks slowly march towards enemy's factory while clear off all nearby troops, infantry start capture most south east cities, deploy a infantry at the most east base.
Orange Star, Middle island, north infantry move two north capture neutral port, east infantry move two east capture neutral city, Lander move back to HQ port. Airport island infantry capture the last neutral city on the north island. Sink enemy Sub with Bomber when it's near. Fresh deploy Bomber move most east along the bridge.
Day 15,
Yellow Comet, continue march into enemy factory, if there's enemy Battle Ship guarding, hold position. Deploy a Sub. Fresh infantry move towards the most east cities.
Orange Star, infantry capture all available cities, Bomber move east along the bridge, clear all enemy units along the way.
Day 16-,
Yellow Comet, use your Sub to sink all the Battle Ships. Deploy more Medium Tanks and slowly charge towards enemy factory. Crash enemy factory pipeline seem either Yellow Comet land units or Orange Star air units, depend who reach there more faster.
Orange star, keep deploy Bomber, get to the moutains along the pipeline which out of mini cannons firing range, clearing enemy land units and stand-by (kill the A-Air first if any get near). Take out two north out of four binding mini cannons, you will have a clear path at northern map from airport to pipeline seem. bring in 2-3 Bomber to take out the pipeline seem and mini cannon which guarding it.
While advance your troops towards enemy factory, try to make a chain of combo more than 5 (kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day) to earn enough Power points for Rank S.
Predeployed Units:
YC: None
BM/OS: None
BH: None
Rank Points: 280-290 points with a Rank S.
Speed: Try to finish within 20-21 days.
Power: Make a chain of combo more than 5.(kill/ destroy 6 enemy units in 1 day).
Technique: Remember to retreat or combine units when injurd.
Yellow Comet Campaign Finish! Next Chapter We Will Continue With Green Earth + Black Hole Campaign Guide
~ 光之军 ~
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